Go into combat settings and click your specific class and then job. https://puu.sh/kja0V/9df77ce21e.jpg
As BARD if you has the follow status: 3 or 4 secounds left on VB and WB and Straint shot proced, and bloodlatter proced and internal release. Ultima are shooting all procs and pop internal release and then try use Iron Jail, but was too late, VB and WB was left.
Running this smoothly with almost everything! Having troubles casting Summon II for SMN. It -almost- casts it, but stops when it has 0.3 seconds left. Any clue?
It hasn't been in a while and we haven't heard from Endus lately in dev chat (and hasn't visited the forums since 9/13, according to his profile), so hopefully all is well IRL for 'em! I know that Ultima was taking up a tremendous amount of his free time and it was difficult to justify on donations alone, so unless otherwise stated from him, I'd gather he needed a hiatus from Ultima due to IRL obligations. I'm sure one of us will post something here if we hear from him and he hasn't posted already. Hurry back, Endus!
I'm using the CR's for raiding, anything outside of raiding like FATE'ing or anything else can just be handled by Kupo, don't need optimized rotations for FATE botting or whatever else you could do while asleep. If you can get these to do that job for you as well, all for it, but optimized CR's for doing anything outside of raiding seems like an awfully big waste of time.
can someone please post what they use for mch in raids, don't make me read through 120 pages again lol
Currently using this for my 40 arcanist and he is healing way too much, around 80%, even at 100% hp he will physic himself - may be related to the pet being low.
Does anyone have pld files they are using for single and aoe. Yes I know pld is easy but i'm trying to 3 man dragon maps and it would be nice to set my tank on bot and be able to heal and dps on my own.
Sorry was editing my post on my phone and think i accidently deleted it. Here is the ultimaCR with some small edits to warrior files so that the warrior casts deliverance when hes in no stance, will stay in defiance stance if you switch stance though. Will use fell cleave in deliverance stance and inner beast or steel cyclone in defiance stance depending on target mode (smart,single,multi). Also casts infuriate. View attachment UltimaCR.zip