Hey everyone i just bought honorbuddy and when i bought it it redirected me to the payment site i payed then it said dont refres blah blah blah then it forwarded me to the shop and i was logged out do i have to wait to get it??? if so how long?
depends what kind of payment system you used. Or try to use it already since your acc says Honorbuddy's
i have a diff login for the honorbuddy and it says Please purchase a session or something like that and i did i used credit card option
As far as I know, just making the payment for the bot doesn't let you use it. From my experience, you pay for it and then Bossland confirms/accepts the payment. Then you can use it.
also, you dont need more forum accounts for more seesions etc. just use the login of the shop on the bot and your set.
well i just logged into the shop and it said i ordered it does that mean i have it because when i login to honorbuddy it says this Authenticating... Gatherbuddy Sessions 0/0 Honorbuddy Sessions 0/0 Shared Sessions 0/0 Please purchase buddy product! Authentication failed
then contact bossland for him to approve it, or tony to push it forward to bossland be patient. also what product did you use before this?