you make gold?farming gold from ores?you need equipments such as ball mill or magnetic separator tp help you? If you need, you shoule konw exactly ball mill manufacturer and how to buy ball mill.
At the moment with one toon on a high populated eu server I am making over 20k per day. I made about 200 euros selling gold now <3 Cata
Hooow!? do you mine or her to get all that much gold ? :O I must now I only get one stak of fish per day I mine they only sell for 2g each.. and I have the but running 24/7.. YOU MUST Tell me! What am i doing wrong ?
Lol wow, you have no clue how much you just made my day +Rep haha Oh and I make about 5k/toon/day without Micro. With it's at 8-10k/toon/day. I hate to micro, so I spread the wealth to my friends in town, who do it for me, and they make gold too.
I'll make anywhere from 5-15k a day without microing. On the perfect Jewlcrafting Daily day I make upwards of 15-20k. This all depends on the time, date, daily, and other botters.
about 6-8k per toon just private buyers who don't ask questions.. herbing in mh mining in twilight highlands..
Guys how do you make so much gold seriousley!! i have a toon on 24/7 farming herbs and ores ( my mrs uses herbs to make decks) and my ores i prospect and make gems but at a push i make 3k a day plz let me in on a secret as im struggling big time, my realm is pretty full ( silvermoon ) but can i have some methods u guys use plz
i can make upto 20k a day when stupid idiots arent undercutting on ah at half the price of everyone else
im getting less and less gold each day. im on high pop realms and there are more botters than regular players i guess lol prices are terribad, like 45g/elementium and 90g twilight jasmine (in stacks ofc)
Prices are dropping, yes - but I still manage to get around 22k a day from ores or herbs in Uldum or TH (doesn't really matter).
Making 20-35k a day normally... botting around 12 hours a day in Twilight Highlands and a few hours a day in Uldum on another toon. I mill the Whiptail / Cinderbloom and make into inks. I sell inks / life and Twilight Jasmin to this guy. Yeww :d.
huge difference between the servers some servers i got so dumb botters they undercut each other 25%, then another 25% and so on... cannot understand this stupidness