Hey, i am having a problem trying to get Zekken to work everytime i click settings for zekken in the plugin tab i get an error its like "unexpected microsoft .net error" i google'd it i reisntalled it 4.5.2 and i even ran your program buddychecker? and it says everything is installed or 4.5.1 at least But yet it still wont work any suggestions?
This has not been updated to reflect what you can use in Heavensward. Also, I did not make any of these add-ons I just put all the links together to link you to the right area. I am not sure if Zekken is currently working with Heavensward as I chose to turn it off and just use a healing chocobo companion. Posting in the Zekken thread will be a better place to get some answers, you will probably have to post your log to them as well. Zekken Thread
Hi. I started FFXIV recently and i would like to start paying a bot for automated crafting, gathering and leveling classes/jobs. I'm not a bot expert so i have some questions before buying this bot. Btw, sorry if this is not the place to ask: 1) Is this bot noob friendly? Like easy to setup, not needing to know how to code or anything like that? 2) Why there are paid plugins? If i'm paying for this bot wouldn't that be enough for crafting, gathering and fate grinding? If i don't buy paid plugins, am i going to have a bad experience through crafting, gathering or fate botting? That's it. I'm checking Rebornbuddy and other bots and this one seems to be the best for me but these paid plugin makes me wonder the quality of the bot itself without them.
20-30 is a pain in the butt for Fate leveling. What are you guys doing here? There isnt enough pops in Hawthorne Hut to make it worthwhile.
I always did Quarrymill from 20-30/5, then Costa Del Sol until 40. Camp Dragonhead until 50 if botting, NThan if playing by hand, all the way to 60.
As a n00b...whats the best way to use RB to level a 2nd job? I want to get my Rogue level up as I already have my Pugilist so I can become a Ninja!
if you read the initial post he explains the best way to level with the fate bot also its down right now (as of this post)
Using patrol decreases my xp/hour significantly, and also leads to more deaths & repair/teleport bills. I found it better to just run the fatebot with zekken and repear.
That or Aleport. You could try using ExBuddy's EnableFlight plugin with ExFateBot in CWH or The Dravanian Hinterlands as well.
Toyed a lot with this. Cwh is garbage xp. Things hit harder and have more xp and it's way way slower. You can easily stay in mor dhona til 55. Fewer people than nthan meaning less reportings and more xp per hour very consistently. I keep all my guys in mor dhona til at least 52. Almost identical xp to cwh fates, you can solo every fate except even zekken won't reliably avoid bad breath on the morbol boss. And there's pretty much no downtime between fates in mor dhona. Something new constantly pops up. Exbuddy flight works mostly fine in forelands so after mor dhona that's a decent choice til 58, when hinterlands is most relevant. But it's slow going and a lot of ways to get overwhelmed. Even as a warrior with a healing chicken.
is GourmetGuy V2 no longer being supported? The link in OP doesn't lead to installation instructions just a conversation about it.