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  • Rare Mount Camping/Farming

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Thegreatone, Oct 14, 2015.

    1. Thegreatone

      Thegreatone Member

      Feb 24, 2013
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      Was wondering if there is any plugins/something I can setup with HB to basically fly around area until (Time Lost Proto Drake)(Poseidus)(MOP Direhorn Mounts) or whatever other mount I might want to be farming for pops up and attempts to grab and get the mount only, no other grinding involved, was also wondering what you guys think the likelihood of getting banned for doing just this? also was wondering Honor Buddy's status... i know I read something few months back that you guys think they can detect your bot.. Is honor buddy safe to use? and if so to what extent, i know the farming profiles are what usually get banned because they probably have some system in place to notify them when someone is farming and it monitors all your actives/rotations/movement patterns, also would it be possible to get get bot to work with jumping servers to try and find the rare mounts etc?
      Last edited: Oct 14, 2015
    2. Nightcrawler12

      Nightcrawler12 New Member

      Mar 18, 2012
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      Tony had one a long time ago for the Time lost Proto drake; not sure if its still about.

      HB is safe; same principles as always apply; grinding/farming, bgbuddy/kickbots are all extremely high risk.

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