Hey all, I looked around and even searched (ok, for a few minutes, not exhaustive) and didn't see this asked or answered. Does HB play well with Windows 10? The reason I am wondering is that I see DirectX is upgraded and I am thinking that HB has to run under a specific version? I'm sure by now we've had people try it out - any successes or failures to report? Thanks
I have it on Win 10 running smooth I don't see any diffrence from Win 7, maybe even abit smoother becasue Win 10 is in general smoother.
Never had any issues. You do have to install DirectX, since for some strange reason it only includes 11/12 (at least it did for me), so DirectX 9 and earlier games may not start out of the box, and of course the usual mix of the Visual C runtimes (you'd think they would include them by now, but no), BuddyWizard will help.
Been using windows 10 for a while and HB runs better on it than it ever did on win 7. 1. use buddy wizard 2. clean install HB Job done, It was that easy for me. Hope your install goes smooth.
it runs fine on win 10 for me, i had problems with the bot but it wasnt win 10 related, it made two settings folder and it wouldnt attach. but it did it on both win 7 computer and win 10 computer.
Running HB on Windows 10 Pro 64bit without any issues now for several months. Works just as smoothly as it did on Windows 7 Pro 64bit. You should be good to go bro