Hey guys, I've injected this botbase into the Singular CR, so you can use advanced Simcraft Impl combat with other botbases like Questing, Enyo, etc. Feel free to ask any qustions! The link to project thread.
Is anyone aware of a way to have conditionals based on target buffs/debuffs? I'm trying to make a hunter profile that will auto-cast Tranq shot if the target has a certain buff, but "target.buff.spell.up" throws an error and wont compile the actionlist.
target.HasAura("monster_balls_orange")) Cast(tranquilizing_shot) && !.HasAura("orange_monkey_balls") actions+=/tranquilizing_shott,if=(target.HasAura("monster_balls_orange")) Not sure what would work but they should all work. haven't tested
Got "'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.TargetProxy' does not contain a definition for 'buff' and no extension method 'buff' accepting a first argument of type 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.TargetProxy' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) - line c:\Users\..." error. I'm trying to implement a function within the TargetProxy class, but I'm not really following the code. Kane's code isnt commented very well :/ EDIT: Looks like I may have gotten it to work: In SimcraftProxies.cs in the TargetProxy class, I added PHP: public dynamic buff { get { return simc.dot; } } And in my hunter.simc file I made my action PHP: actions+=/tranquilizing_shot,if=target.buff.savage_howl.up And added the following into SimcNames.cs PHP: buffs["savage_howl"] = new SpecList { new SpecPair(WoWSpec.None, 155198) }; I haven't gotten a chance to test it out to verify if it works, but it at least compiles correctly.
I get this error. Compiler Error: C:\Users\*\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Bots\Simcraft\trunk\SimcraftTop.cs(4,1) : error CS1022: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected Compiler Error: C:\Users\*\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Bots\Simcraft\trunk\SimcraftTop.cs(4,16) : error CS1022: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected Compiler Error: C:\Users\*\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Bots\Simcraft\trunk\SimcraftTop.cs(4,23) : error CS1022: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected Compiler Error: C:\Users\*\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Bots\Simcraft\trunk\SimcraftTop.cs(4,44) : error CS1022: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected Compiler Error: C:\Users\*\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Bots\Simcraft\trunk\SimcraftTop.cs(4,2) : error CS0116: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods
What are you doing? Are you trying to use the unchanged botbase from the github repo? I believe that one does not compile. Try looking a few pages back; There is a line of code you can add to SimcraftTop.cs to make it compile correctly.
Yeah I added //!CompilerOption:AddRef:Microsoft.CSharp.dll but it didn't do anything so I took the // out and that happened. I also have no idea what I'm doing tbh.
you need the "//" in there, at least its in there on my version. If youre also trying to use the SimcraftImpl tied with singular from the CR forums, then it might be causing an error. I'm not really too sure.
If I keep it I get the Microsoft.CSharp error. If I don't, then that error goes away but the other ones show up. And I dropped trying to use the singular/simcraft CR because I can't get it to work so I figured I can just use this instead.
Sent you a PM with my SimcraftTop.cs that currently compiles fine on my machine. I tried to just attach the entire Botbase, but I dont think I can send attachments in a PM.
Code: <12:33>:Compiling Action Lists [17:33:50.652 N] <12:33>:Line 32,53 : Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' and 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' - line c:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\Temp\fyohf3p4.0.cs(32,53) : error CS0019: Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' and 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' [17:33:50.652 N] <12:33>:Line 58,154 : Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' and 'bool' - line c:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\Temp\fyohf3p4.0.cs(58,154) : error CS0019: Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' and 'bool' [17:33:50.652 N] <12:33>:Line 61,59 : Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' and 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' - line c:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\Temp\fyohf3p4.0.cs(61,59) : error CS0019: Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' and 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' [17:37:49.045 N] <12:37>:Compiling Action Lists [17:37:49.587 N] <12:37>:Line 32,53 : Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' and 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' - line c:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\Temp\2awz01ej.0.cs(32,53) : error CS0019: Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' and 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' [17:37:49.587 N] <12:37>:Line 58,154 : Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' and 'bool' - line c:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\Temp\2awz01ej.0.cs(58,154) : error CS0019: Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' and 'bool' [17:37:49.587 N] <12:37>:Line 61,59 : Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' and 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' - line c:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\Temp\2awz01ej.0.cs(61,59) : error CS0019: Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' and 'Simcraft.SimcraftImpl.RuneProxy' Any idea what this means?
These errors generally mean something is wrong with your simc file. And since the errors occur in the dynamically created file, its hard to know exactly what caused it. I assume youre trying to use the frost DK profile i sent you? Did you make any changes at all to it?
Nah the Frost DK you sent me worked great. This was when I was trying to make a Blood profile. There were some problems originally with it that I worked around but I can't figure out the last error. And would you happen to have an unholy profile? The default one in the OP doesn't work too well for me. Code: deathknight="Deathknight_Active" level=100 race=blood_elf role=tank position=front talents=http://us.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent-calculator#da!1200001 glyphs=blood_boil/regenerative_magic/army_of_the_dead/foul_menagerie spec=blood # This default action priority list is automatically created based on your character. # It is a attempt to provide you with a action list that is both simple and practicable, # while resulting in a meaningful and good simulation. It may not result in the absolutely highest possible dps. # Feel free to edit, adapt and improve it to your own needs. # SimulationCraft is always looking for updates and improvements to the default action lists. # Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only. actions.precombat=flask,type=greater_draenic_stamina_flask actions.precombat+=/food,type=whiptail_fillet actions.precombat+=/blood_presence actions.precombat+=/horn_of_winter # Snapshot raid buffed stats before combat begins and pre-potting is done. # Snapshot raid buffed stats before combat begins and pre-potting is done. actions.precombat+=/snapshot_stats actions.precombat+=/potion,name=draenic_armor actions.precombat+=/bone_shield actions.precombat+=/army_of_the_dead # Executed every time the actor is available. actions=auto_attack actions+=/potion,name=draenic_armor,if=buff.potion.down&buff.blood_shield.down&!unholy&!frost # if=time>10 actions+=/blood_fury # if=time>10 actions+=/berserking # if=time>10 actions+=/conversion,if=!buff.conversion.up&runic_power>50&health.pct<90 actions+=/lichborne,if=health.pct<90 actions+=/death_strike,if=unholy&frost actions+=/vampiric_blood,if=health.pct<50 actions+=/rune_tap,if=health.pct<75&buff.army_of_the_dead.down&buff.dancing_rune_weapon.down&buff.bone_shield.down&buff.vampiric_blood.down&buff.icebound_fortitude.down actions+=/dancing_rune_weapon,if=health.pct<80&buff.army_of_the_dead.down&buff.icebound_fortitude.down&buff.bone_shield.down&buff.vampiric_blood.down actions+=/death_pact,if=health.pct<50 actions+=/outbreak,if=(!talent.necrotic_plague.enabled&disease.min_remains<8)|!disease.ticking actions+=/death_coil,if=runic_power>50 actions+=/plague_strike,if=(!talent.necrotic_plague.enabled&!dot.blood_plague.ticking)|(talent.necrotic_plague.enabled&!dot.necrotic_plague.ticking) actions+=/icy_touch,if=(!talent.necrotic_plague.enabled&!dot.frost_fever.ticking)|(talent.necrotic_plague.enabled&!dot.necrotic_plague.ticking) actions+=/defile actions+=/plague_leech,if=((!blood&!unholy)|(!blood&!frost)|(!unholy&!frost))&cooldown.outbreak.remains<=gcd actions+=/call_action_list,name=bt,if=talent.blood_tap.enabled actions+=/call_action_list,name=re,if=talent.runic_empowerment.enabled actions+=/call_action_list,name=rc,if=talent.runic_corruption.enabled actions+=/call_action_list,name=nrt,if=!talent.blood_tap.enabled&!talent.runic_empowerment.enabled&!talent.runic_corruption.enabled actions+=/blood_boil,if=buff.crimson_scourge.up actions+=/death_coil actions+=/empower_rune_weapon,if=!blood&!unholy&!frost actions.bt=death_strike,if=unholy=2|frost=2 actions.bt+=/blood_tap,if=buff.blood_charge.stack>=5&!blood actions.bt+=/death_strike,if=buff.blood_charge.stack>=10&unholy&frost actions.bt+=/blood_tap,if=buff.blood_charge.stack>=10&!unholy&!frost actions.bt+=/blood_tap,if=buff.blood_charge.stack>=5&(!unholy|!frost) actions.bt+=/blood_tap,if=buff.blood_charge.stack>=5&!death&!unholy&!frost actions.bt+=/death_coil,if=runic_power>70 actions.bt+=/soul_reaper,if=target.health.pct-3*(target.health.pct%target.time_to_die)<=35&(blood=2|(blood&!death)) actions.bt+=/blood_boil,if=blood=2 actions.re=death_strike,if=unholy&frost actions.re+=/death_coil,if=runic_power>70 actions.re+=/soul_reaper,if=target.health.pct-3*(target.health.pct%target.time_to_die)<=35&blood=2 actions.re+=/blood_boil,if=blood=2 actions.rc=death_strike,if=unholy=2|frost=2 actions.rc+=/death_coil,if=runic_power>70 actions.rc+=/soul_reaper,if=target.health.pct-3*(target.health.pct%target.time_to_die)<=35&blood>=1 actions.rc+=/blood_boil,if=blood=2 actions.nrt=death_strike,if=unholy=2|frost=2 actions.nrt+=/death_coil,if=runic_power>70 actions.nrt+=/soul_reaper,if=target.health.pct-3*(target.health.pct%target.time_to_die)<=35&blood>=1 actions.nrt+=/blood_boil,if=blood>=1 head=wild_combatants_dreadplate_helm,id=125392 neck=wild_combatants_choker_of_cruelty,id=125501 shoulders=wild_gladiators_dreadplate_shoulders,id=125194 back=wild_combatants_cloak_of_cruelty,id=125499 chest=wild_combatants_dreadplate_chestpiece,id=125390 tabard=guild_tabard,id=5976 wrists=wild_combatants_armplates_of_prowess,id=125471 hands=wild_combatants_plate_gloves,id=125473 waist=wild_gladiators_girdle_of_prowess,id=125283 legs=wild_combatants_dreadplate_legguards,id=125393 feet=wild_combatants_warboots_of_prowess,id=125469 finger1=wild_gladiators_signet_of_accuracy,id=125328 finger2=wild_combatants_signet_of_accuracy,id=125504 trinket1=wild_combatants_emblem_of_tenacity,id=125510 trinket2=wild_combatants_medallion_of_adaptation,id=125515 main_hand=wild_gladiators_greatsword,id=125322,enchant=rune_of_the_fallen_crusader # Gear Summary # gear_ilvl=678.00 # gear_strength=2617 # gear_stamina=4172 # gear_crit_rating=719 # gear_haste_rating=778 # gear_mastery_rating=1131 # gear_multistrike_rating=864 # gear_versatility_rating=549 # gear_armor=2126 # set_bonus=pvp_2pc=1 # set_bonus=pvp_4pc=1
First: you might want to edit your last post to edit out the url to your character in the first couple lines of the profile Second: I ran into a similar issue. I believe it has to do with the frost/unholy/blood/death being used as booleans (eg "!blood") instead of integer values like they're used in the frost one I sent (eg unholy>1, etc). I didn't put much time into it since I was busy with other things, but you could try changing them all to fit the later case (eg change !unholy to unholy=0 or something like that). If that doesn't work then maybe you can narrow it down to some other things.
Completely overlooked the url part, thank you. And I'll try that and report back. EDIT: That did the trick. Once again, you're awesome my man!
this bot is amazing.. does near simcraft dps on my mm hunter. tuhanas routine does liek 7k dps less LOL! and it costs..
My apologizes for being dense, But i have tried to install this bot via the instructions provided in page one and I am unable to find simpl in the drop down menu. What am I doing wrong?, I have latest version of HB freshly Installed.
Go back a few pages. There is a line of code you have to add into SimcraftTop.cs for it to able to compile correctly