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    Discussion in 'Buddy Wing Forum' started by pindleskin, Oct 1, 2015.

    1. Cryogenesis

      Cryogenesis Moderator Moderator

      Jul 13, 2010
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      hmm, then you create 40 chars and farm dailies all day long...
      Thats means we need a relogger to other chars, stability (as they gonna tamper with the engine again), etc. etc.
      AND UI is changing so what not to quest windows and shit. Aevitas is gonna go apeshit on this update :)
    2. pindleskin

      pindleskin Community Developer

      Oct 24, 2012
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      Isn't new 60 char bought with the cartel coins? Or you get 1 free per account if subscribed? You probably can't make 40x level 60 chars unless you have cartel coins for that. Per account :)
    3. alltrueist

      alltrueist Active Member

      Dec 10, 2012
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      Correct, it's just like the free 90 that came with WOD: you get one free with the expansion and you can buy more later.
    4. Cryogenesis

      Cryogenesis Moderator Moderator

      Jul 13, 2010
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      Sow this was posted on SWTOR page:
      So sadly this means big changes.
      expect the following to not work:
      - Core for changes to engine in 4.0
      - Profiles, as they swapped alot
      - Routines should mostly work apart from the class changes in spells and new spells.
      - Biggest booboo is mesh. Like Aevitas said, everything will need to be meshed again
      - no more 12xp boost

      So it will take some time to get it going again when the patch hits
    5. steadygrind

      steadygrind Member

      Jan 29, 2015
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      One word for you guys "presence" low lvl farming is a breeze even at low lvl as long as your companion has the massive buff that comes along with the presence stat. so max that affection with every companion from every class in your legacy get some gear and augment with presence (dirt cheap right now). maybe even put command stim feature into the bot and watch that companion of yours wreck shop. I have yet to read anything about nerfing the legacy presence buff. not sure if you will be able to use high lvl stims on a lower lvl planet, this could be a nice trick if it works out.

      I regularly complete solo +4 heroics with a blue geared companion at the planet level (with lazyraider).

      I think this is going to be something like a de-bolster when it comes to gear. if you have top shelf raid gear then you will be over geared when you go back to lower lvl planets. sure the stats will drop but nothing like the green drop gear on the planet its self

      TLDR: buff presence to as high as you can datacrons and legacy are a huge benefit.
      augment presence into a specialty grinding armor set. <<<<(( do this before the patch comes out while the presence augs are dirt cheap))>>>>
      use high lvl command stims.
      let companions do the majority of the work for you.

      presence gives companions a really nice buff to all functions HP's, Damage, and Healing.
    6. Cryogenesis

      Cryogenesis Moderator Moderator

      Jul 13, 2010
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      max affection now pre patch or after?
      And crete a set full of presence before prices go up.
      Presence, in what types is it present, mod, etc? or just augment?
    7. steadygrind

      steadygrind Member

      Jan 29, 2015
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      legacy gives +10 presence for every companion you max affection with for each class, warrior sorc BH and agent and pub side classes for a total of +500 presence.

      presence is in augments only and stims as well.

      this carries through out your legacy. new toons on korraban lvl 8 vette can hit for 800-1000 by critting with her version of aimed shot, and mako can heal for more that half your hp's.

      without gear a new lvl 1 toon in my legacy has 548 presence.

      this adds 2740 hps, 109.6 damage. and 76.7 healing ( at level 1 on a naked toon with no datacrons discovered, and no buffs or stims.)

      not sure about diminishing returns on presence so there might be a max presence to shoot from then use other augments

      at lvl 60 human marauder has a presence of 1015 without gear, but with datacrons unlocked

      this gives 5075 hp's, 203 damage, and 142.1 healing. no gear no stims.

      LOOK under legacy Imperial/republic classes and mouse over the companion slots to see what I am talking about. max affection is 10000 points.

      5ish hp's / 0.2ish damage / 0.15ish healing per point of presence
      Last edited: Oct 18, 2015
    8. Kabeewm

      Kabeewm Member

      Jul 2, 2013
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      And this cant be achived after the patch?
      That gives us what, like 2 days to get this done? x)

      Hopefully I'm not right about that, cuz then this info came a bit late.
      Thanks non the less for the info tho!

      Cheers! // Kabeewm
    9. steadygrind

      steadygrind Member

      Jan 29, 2015
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      it is a legacy perk it has been available since legacy's came out. I don't think they are doing away with the legacy system anytime soon. go to the companion gift vender on fleet or use crewskills to get companion gifts. max out affection with every companion( it wont count if you max out 2 different Maco's or vette's ) and make sure you have all conversations with each companion. all classes get +10 presence. all I was saying earlier is to purchase the augments soon because once people catch on the GTN prices for the augments will go up.

      I thought this was fairly common knowledge. here is another bit of info. open the cartel market and check your collection pay anywhere between 60 and 1200 cartel coins on armors you have unlocked and any toon in your legacy can get that armor or weapon or speeder for free. one toon in your legacy has to have equipped the armor or weapon or pet or mount once before to unlock it.
    10. steadygrind

      steadygrind Member

      Jan 29, 2015
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      I have had the presence buff for like over a year now, the thing is it is really only just now becoming useful with the low level planet farming for end game equipment pieces. what good is 2k plus companion hp's on hutta? what are you going to do farm hutta for credits? To tell the truth I had no idea how many people neglected legacy or I would have said something in early summer so that people could have gotten one of each class prepped for the new content.
    11. Kabeewm

      Kabeewm Member

      Jul 2, 2013
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      Ah yes this is fairly common knowlage, I thought just that arter the patch now they would remove it, as in you cant get more rep / affection for your companions.

      Think I read it to fast, early morning x)
      Thanks for your input mate!
    12. Turdmagnet

      Turdmagnet Member

      Aug 23, 2015
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      Where did he say everything would need to be meshed again? I checked his recent post history and also I don't see any changes to the structure of the world in the release notes
    13. steadygrind

      steadygrind Member

      Jan 29, 2015
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      no problem I realized after reading my original post that I did make it seem like its going away, but I was stressing the market prices not anything to do with the patch.
    14. Cryogenesis

      Cryogenesis Moderator Moderator

      Jul 13, 2010
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      Well there are posts online about the update being around 10gigh. Thats around 2/3rd of the entire vanilla game. Bioware is going to change the leveling with patch 4.0 to enhance the leveling time, and that people are leveling quicker.
      So they are going to split up the Class and planetary quests into the main questfork and side quests can be ignored. So you are doing less quests. During the Makeb expansion they shifted the core worlds in position, so that could be done aswell. Its all guessing now, tomorrow we know more.
      Ow and it was the hotline to Aevitas :)

      BTW link for you to read:Core World Changes
      Last edited: Oct 19, 2015

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