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  • [BETA] Wildbuddy BETA - Pre-Release Builds

    Discussion in 'Wildbuddy Forum' started by Apoc, Oct 5, 2015.

    1. Flitsbue

      Flitsbue Member

      Jan 2, 2013
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    2. Grimes

      Grimes Member

      Sep 23, 2014
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    3. gblxd91

      gblxd91 New Member

      Feb 25, 2015
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      last build crash all the time just to me?
    4. Deathdisguise

      Deathdisguise Community Developer

      Mar 7, 2015
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      Post a log! :)
    5. xXxSidewaysxXx

      xXxSidewaysxXx Member

      Feb 22, 2012
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      Cant Upload. "Invalid Logfile"

      But here

      "2015-10-19 00:02:07,959 [4] ERROR Application - UNHANDLED DOMAIN EXCEPTION
      2015-10-19 00:02:07,959 [4] ERROR Application - System.TypeInitializationException: Der Typeninitialisierer für "Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.ProfileLoader" hat eine Ausnahme verursacht. ---> System.ArgumentException: Ein Element mit dem gleichen Schlüssel wurde bereits hinzugefügt.
      bei System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
      bei Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.ProfileLoader.()
      --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
      bei Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.ProfileLoader.PreloadProfileSerializer()
      bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
      bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
      bei System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()
      bei System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
      2015-10-19 00:02:07,960 [4] ERROR Application - Inner Exception: System.ArgumentException: Ein Element mit dem gleichen Schlüssel wurde bereits hinzugefügt.
      bei System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
      bei Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.ProfileLoader.()"


      "5-10-19 00:06:26,542 [1] INFO MainWindow - Local Player is a level 14 Aurin Stalker Soldier
      2015-10-19 00:06:26,581 [1] INFO MainWindow - Location: X:5067,952 Y:-905,9541 Z:-3024,023 (Area: 3a49) on Eastern [51]
      2015-10-19 00:06:27,666 [1] INFO MainWindow - Selected new bot: Profile Bot v0.0.0.1 by Bossland GmbH
      2015-10-19 00:06:27,668 [1] DEBUG MainWindow - Last Routine Used: Default Combat Routine
      2015-10-19 00:06:27,668 [1] DEBUG MainWindow - Found last used routine! Setting it as selected...
      2015-10-19 00:06:27,677 [5] ERROR Application - UNHANDLED DOMAIN EXCEPTION
      2015-10-19 00:06:27,677 [5] ERROR Application - System.TypeInitializationException: Der Typeninitialisierer für "Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.ProfileLoader" hat eine Ausnahme verursacht. ---> System.ArgumentException: Ein Element mit dem gleichen Schlüssel wurde bereits hinzugefügt.
      bei System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
      bei Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.ProfileLoader.()
      --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
      bei Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.ProfileLoader.PreloadProfileSerializer()
      bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
      bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
      bei System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()
      bei System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
      2015-10-19 00:06:27,678 [5] ERROR Application - Inner Exception: System.ArgumentException: Ein Element mit dem gleichen Schlüssel wurde bereits hinzugefügt.
      bei System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
      bei Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.ProfileLoader.()
    6. Deathdisguise

      Deathdisguise Community Developer

      Mar 7, 2015
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      Update your QuestHelper! Some changes have been had!
    7. mfaiola

      mfaiola New Member

      Aug 28, 2015
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      still unable to get it to stop throwing exceptions using newest beta and fresh questhelper svn pull
    8. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Please move this support request to the Quest Helper thread. This thread is for the core bot!
    9. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      I've just pushed a new build of Wildbuddy that is now a required update.

      Our navigation server now authenticates each session, to ensure you're a legit user. We were seeing hundreds of connections from "not real bots" which was causing massive server instability. If your navigation does not work, make sure you are on at least build 277 of the beta. I will not look into nav server issues for clients older than build 277.
    10. miminio

      miminio Member

      Mar 4, 2015
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    11. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      I'm aware of the downtime right now. Fixing a pretty big bug that I noticed. (Happened to break something else in the process) Bear with me please!

      Edit: Should be good to go now!
      Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
    12. paxxx

      paxxx Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      build 277:

      Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized

      beeing on "Die Verderbnis" map on german.. dont know in english...
    13. xXxSidewaysxXx

      xXxSidewaysxXx Member

      Feb 22, 2012
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      If i try to switch form Agility to Profile Bot the bot crashes all the time.

      "2015-10-19 16:17:58,670 [1] INFO MainWindow - T: 5247494701212063168 H: 754658740
      2015-10-19 16:17:58,675 [1] INFO MainWindow - Region: eu
      2015-10-19 16:17:59,075 [1] DEBUG ProcessWrapper - Mutex.TryOpenExisting on PID 14284
      2015-10-19 16:17:59,088 [1] DEBUG ProcessWrapper - Mutex.TryOpenExisting on PID 14284
      2015-10-19 16:17:59,428 [1] DEBUG MainWindow - Game Process Hook Type: Other hook short
      2015-10-19 16:17:59,429 [1] INFO GameEngine - Attached to game: [14284] WildStar64 (Hash: 4F59C517)
      2015-10-19 16:17:59,436 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Initialized hotkeys to window handle + 110D5E
      2015-10-19 16:17:59,473 [1] DEBUG GameManager - Base Addr 13FBC0000
      2015-10-19 16:17:59,485 [1] INFO MainWindow - Local Player is a level 14 Aurin Stalker Soldier
      2015-10-19 16:17:59,531 [1] INFO MainWindow - Location: X:4473,448 Y:-932,9152 Z:-3426,557 (Area: 3948) on Eastern [51]
      2015-10-19 16:17:59,812 [1] DEBUG AgilitySettings - Routine 1 : Agility.Routines.Stalker_DPS
      2015-10-19 16:18:00,501 [1] INFO MainWindow - Selected new bot: Agility v0.$LastChangedRevision: $ by Deathdisguise
      2015-10-19 16:18:00,502 [1] DEBUG MainWindow - Last Routine Used: Default Combat Routine
      2015-10-19 16:18:00,502 [1] DEBUG MainWindow - Found last used routine! Setting it as selected...
      2015-10-19 16:18:00,546 [1] INFO SpellManager - Setting game spell cast behavior to Normal
      2015-10-19 16:18:00,550 [1] INFO MainWindow - Selected Default Combat Routine version 1.0 as the current combat routine!
      2015-10-19 16:18:00,550 [1] DEBUG MainWindow - Routine is a button provider, showing config button...
      2015-10-19 16:18:00,551 [1] INFO MainWindow - Plugin Profile Helper (version by Apoc enabled.
      2015-10-19 16:18:00,610 [1] DEBUG Events - Registered Lua event QuestStateChanged to Buddy.Wildstar.Game.LuaEventCallback with custom code 'function(queQuest, eState, unk) return queQuest:GetId(), eState, unk end'
      2015-10-19 16:18:00,635 [1] DEBUG Events - Registered Lua event Dialog_ShowState to Buddy.Wildstar.Game.LuaEventCallback with custom code 'function(eState, queCurr) local questId = 0 if queCurr and queCurr:GetId() then questId = queCurr:GetId() end return eState, questId end'
      2015-10-19 16:18:00,635 [1] INFO MainWindow - Plugin Auto Equip (version by Apoc enabled.
      2015-10-19 16:18:00,660 [1] DEBUG Events - Registered Lua event UpdateInventory to Buddy.Wildstar.Game.LuaEventCallback
    14. Deathdisguise

      Deathdisguise Community Developer

      Mar 7, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Update to latest version (currently 278)
    15. xXxSidewaysxXx

      xXxSidewaysxXx Member

      Feb 22, 2012
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      Its the 278 version :/
    16. Tristou35

      Tristou35 New Member

      Oct 9, 2015
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      Hello everyone :)

      I'm currently using the 278 build and my character doesn't move sometimes (very often) while I grind It generates the path but doesn't do shit ^^
      However, if I force my character to be in range of the mob, it will aggro.

      Here is my log :
      5:43,381 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey OffmeshConnection to Alt, Control, Shift + C
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,381 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey ShowClickLocation to Alt, Shift + C
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,381 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey PDT_Interact to Alt, Control + I
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,381 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey PDT_TurnIn to Alt, Control + T
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,381 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey PDT_PickUp to Alt, Control + P
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,381 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey PDT_MoveTo to Alt, Control + O
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,381 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey PDT_GrindHotspot to Alt, Control + H
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,382 [1] INFO  MainWindowViewModel - WildbuddyBETA 0.1.576.278 starting...
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,382 [1] INFO  MainWindowViewModel - CPU Architecture: x64
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,382 [1] INFO  MainWindowViewModel - Process Architecture: x64
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,382 [1] INFO  MainWindowViewModel - OS: Windows 8.1 Professional x64
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,382 [1] INFO  MainWindowViewModel - OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,382 [1] INFO  MainWindowViewModel - .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.42000
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,382 [1] INFO  MainWindowViewModel - System Memory: 7,95 GB Available
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,382 [1] INFO  MainWindowViewModel - CPU Cores: 4
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,382 [1] INFO  MainWindowViewModel - Application Uri: C:\Users\<User>\Documents\Bots\Wildstar\WildBuddy
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,775 [1] INFO  MainWindow - Logging in...
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,896 [1] INFO  MainWindow - T: 5247494705865239437 H: 2496824114
      2015-10-19 16:25:43,898 [1] INFO  MainWindow - Region: eu
      2015-10-19 16:25:44,068 [1] DEBUG ProcessWrapper - Mutex.TryOpenExisting on PID 1752
      2015-10-19 16:25:44,087 [1] DEBUG ProcessWrapper - Mutex.TryOpenExisting on PID 1752
      2015-10-19 16:25:44,354 [1] WARN  MainWindow - Wildstar is currently in a 'Maximized' state. At this point in initialization, we cannot tell if the game is in proper full-screen mode. If it is, please ensure the game client is in either Windowed, or Borderless Windowed modes. Proper Fullscreen mode is not supported by Buddy products due to technical limitations.
      2015-10-19 16:25:44,354 [1] DEBUG MainWindow - Game Process Hook Type: Other hook short
      2015-10-19 16:25:44,354 [1] INFO  GameEngine - Attached to game: [1752] WildStar64 (Hash: 4F59C517)
      2015-10-19 16:25:44,359 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Initialized hotkeys to window handle + 20302
      2015-10-19 16:25:44,383 [1] DEBUG GameManager - Base Addr 7FF64EF00000
      2015-10-19 16:25:44,390 [1] INFO  MainWindow - Local Player is a level 23 Mordesh Medic Soldier
      2015-10-19 16:25:44,414 [1] INFO  MainWindow - Location: X:3788,133 Y:-954,7069 Z:-670,3003 (Area: 3e47) on Eastern [51]
      2015-10-19 16:25:45,994 [1] INFO  MainWindow - Selected new bot: Profile Bot v0.0.0.1 by Bossland GmbH
      2015-10-19 16:25:45,998 [1] DEBUG MainWindow - Last Routine Used: Default Combat Routine
      2015-10-19 16:25:45,998 [1] DEBUG MainWindow - Found last used routine! Setting it as selected...
      2015-10-19 16:25:46,031 [1] INFO  SpellManager - Setting game spell cast behavior to Normal
      2015-10-19 16:25:46,038 [1] INFO  MainWindow - Selected Default Combat Routine version 1.0 as the current combat routine!
      2015-10-19 16:25:46,038 [1] DEBUG MainWindow - Routine is a button provider, showing config button...
      2015-10-19 16:25:46,039 [1] INFO  MainWindow - Plugin Profile Helper (version by Apoc enabled.
      2015-10-19 16:25:46,062 [1] DEBUG Events - Registered Lua event QuestStateChanged to Buddy.Wildstar.Game.LuaEventCallback with custom code 'function(queQuest, eState, unk) return queQuest:GetId(), eState, unk end'
      2015-10-19 16:25:46,079 [1] DEBUG Events - Registered Lua event Dialog_ShowState to Buddy.Wildstar.Game.LuaEventCallback with custom code 'function(eState, queCurr) local questId = 0 if queCurr and queCurr:GetId() then questId = queCurr:GetId() end return eState, questId end'
      2015-10-19 16:25:46,080 [1] INFO  MainWindow - Plugin Auto Equip (version by Apoc enabled.
      2015-10-19 16:25:46,095 [1] DEBUG Events - Registered Lua event UpdateInventory to Buddy.Wildstar.Game.LuaEventCallback
      2015-10-19 16:25:46,131 [1] INFO  MainWindow - Plugin HideNShit (version 1.1) by Illindar enabled.
      2015-10-19 16:25:46,132 [1] INFO  MainWindow - Plugin LootMyShit (version 1.2) by Illindar enabled.
      2015-10-19 16:25:46,132 [1] INFO  MainWindow - Plugin MountShit (version 1.1) by Illindar enabled.
      2015-10-19 16:25:46,132 [1] INFO  MainWindow - Plugin Recovery (version 0.6.2) by Deathdisguise enabled.
      2015-10-19 16:25:53,536 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  SpellManager - Setting game spell cast behavior to Normal
      2015-10-19 16:25:53,550 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Profile Bot - Loading profile: C:\Users\<User>\Documents\Bots\Wildstar\WildBuddy\Profiles\Grinding\22-28 Whitevale - Softsnow Meadows.xml
      2015-10-19 16:25:54,244 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Profile Bot - Profile NAME NAMEs (version 1.0) by Walter loaded!
      2015-10-19 16:25:54,249 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Events - Registered Lua event ActivateCCStateStun to Buddy.Wildstar.Game.LuaEventCallback
      2015-10-19 16:25:54,265 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Events - Registered Lua event UpdateCCStateStun to Buddy.Wildstar.Game.LuaEventCallback
      2015-10-19 16:25:54,282 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Events - Registered Lua event StunVGPressed to Buddy.Wildstar.Game.LuaEventCallback
      2015-10-19 16:25:54,367 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Profile Bot - Moved to new profile element: <Grind /> (Line #2)
      2015-10-19 16:25:54,381 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Grind Tag - Moving to current hotspot...
      2015-10-19 16:25:54,409 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Grind Tag - Grind Tag is set to kill [15EBCA - NonPlayer | 24178] Softsnow Jabbit , Position: X:3829,636 Y:-959,1708 Z:-670,9003, Facing: X:0,9637573 Y:0 Z:0,2667805 W:0, Heading: -1,840847
      2015-10-19 16:25:54,441 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Navigator - Connecting to navigation server...
      2015-10-19 16:25:54,599 [11] DEBUG Connection - [0f2fa765-7ff3-4763-82cc-608d71337a80] Now beginning to receive data.
      2015-10-19 16:25:55,052 [5] INFO  NavigationClient - Authorized with the navigation server!
      2015-10-19 16:25:55,052 [11] DEBUG Navigator - Connected!
      2015-10-19 16:25:55,068 [4] DEBUG Navigator - Nav info sent to the server, we're all initialized!
      2015-10-19 16:25:55,201 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  HideNShit - Hiding from shit 
      2015-10-19 16:25:55,219 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  MountShit - Mountitg shit 
      2015-10-19 16:25:55,749 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Navigator - Attempting to generate path to X:3829,636 Y:-959,1708 Z:-670,9003 from X:3788,133 Y:-954,7069 Z:-670,3003
      2015-10-19 16:25:55,896 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Navigator - Successfully generated path to X:3829,636 Y:-959,1708 Z:-670,9003
      2015-10-19 16:25:57,668 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:25:58,066 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Fissure
      2015-10-19 16:25:58,375 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Gadget Ability 'Endosmose Grenade' was found.
      2015-10-19 16:25:58,459 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Gamma Rays
      2015-10-19 16:25:58,767 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Gamma Rays
      2015-10-19 16:25:59,661 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:25:59,961 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:00,263 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Paralytic Surge
      2015-10-19 16:26:00,606 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:00,901 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:01,206 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Endosmose Grenade
      2015-10-19 16:26:01,511 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Endosmose Grenade
      2015-10-19 16:26:01,810 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Endosmose Grenade
      2015-10-19 16:26:02,128 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Endosmose Grenade
      2015-10-19 16:26:03,235 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:04,002 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:04,311 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Atomize
      2015-10-19 16:26:05,232 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:05,392 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:05,991 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:06,377 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:07,269 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:07,574 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:08,489 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:08,796 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:09,009 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:09,913 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Fissure
      2015-10-19 16:26:10,210 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Fissure
      2015-10-19 16:26:10,701 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:11,960 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:12,273 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:13,484 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:13,791 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:14,088 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Atomize
      2015-10-19 16:26:14,391 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Atomize
      2015-10-19 16:26:14,709 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Gamma Rays
      2015-10-19 16:26:15,022 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:15,970 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:16,287 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:16,588 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:16,896 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:17,207 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:17,499 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:17,810 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Mending Probes
      2015-10-19 16:26:18,437 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:18,742 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:19,048 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:19,360 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:19,662 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:20,909 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:21,211 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:21,526 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Gamma Rays
      2015-10-19 16:26:22,425 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Fissure
      2015-10-19 16:26:22,781 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Fissure
      2015-10-19 16:26:22,992 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:23,649 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:24,513 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:24,819 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:25,106 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Paralytic Surge
      2015-10-19 16:26:25,410 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Paralytic Surge
      2015-10-19 16:26:25,539 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:26,177 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:26,573 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Energize
      2015-10-19 16:26:26,896 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Gamma Rays
      2015-10-19 16:26:27,803 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Gamma Rays
      2015-10-19 16:26:28,118 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:28,431 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:29,286 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:29,592 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Mending Probes
      2015-10-19 16:26:29,856 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Mending Probes
      2015-10-19 16:26:30,498 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:31,272 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:31,895 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Atomize
      2015-10-19 16:26:32,203 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:32,514 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:32,680 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:33,710 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:34,029 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:34,343 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:34,661 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Fissure
      2015-10-19 16:26:34,973 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Fissure
      2015-10-19 16:26:35,277 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Fissure
      2015-10-19 16:26:35,437 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Quantum Cascade
      2015-10-19 16:26:35,625 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Navigator - Attempting to generate path to X:3836,539 Y:-959,8764 Z:-673,1378 from X:3808,38 Y:-957,7269 Z:-670,1382
      2015-10-19 16:26:37,234 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Navigator - Successfully generated path to X:3836,539 Y:-959,8764 Z:-673,1378
      2015-10-19 16:26:38,195 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG BaseCombatClass - Moving within 15 of [15EBCA - NonPlayer | 24178] Softsnow Jabbit , Position: X:3836,539 Y:-959,8764 Z:-673,1378, Facing: X:0,8093718 Y:0 Z:-0,5872967 W:0, Heading: -0,9430816 to cast Mending Probes
      2015-10-19 16:26:38,200 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Navigator - Attempting to generate path to X:3836,539 Y:-959,8764 Z:-673,1378 from X:3817,785 Y:-958,3981 Z:-671,2628
      2015-10-19 16:26:38,246 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Navigator - Successfully generated path to X:3836,539 Y:-959,8764 Z:-673,1378
      2015-10-19 16:26:38,643 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Default Routine - Casting Discharge
      2015-10-19 16:26:38,971 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Grind Tag - Moving to current hotspot...
      2015-10-19 16:26:38,983 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Grind Tag - Grind Tag is set to kill [15EBCA - NonPlayer | 24178] Softsnow Jabbit , Position: X:3836,539 Y:-959,8764 Z:-673,1378, Facing: X:0,8093718 Y:0 Z:-0,5872967 W:0, Heading: -0,9430816
      2015-10-19 16:26:39,085 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Grind Tag - Moving to current hotspot...
      2015-10-19 16:26:39,099 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Grind Tag - Grind Tag is set to kill [15EBCA - NonPlayer | 24178] Softsnow Jabbit , Position: X:3836,539 Y:-959,8764 Z:-673,1378, Facing: X:0,6992546 Y:0 Z:-0,7148728 W:0, Heading: -0,7743542
      2015-10-19 16:26:39,209 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Grind Tag - Moving to current hotspot...
      2015-10-19 16:26:39,223 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Grind Tag - Grind Tag is set to kill [163D0B - NonPlayer | 24069] Frostshell Clamper , Position: X:3882,739 Y:-958,8418 Z:-663,3693, Facing: X:0,2229803 Y:0 Z:-0,9748229 W:0, Heading: -0,2248707
      2015-10-19 16:26:39,235 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Navigator - Attempting to generate path to X:3882,739 Y:-958,8418 Z:-663,3693 from X:3823,291 Y:-959,1137 Z:-671,9341
      2015-10-19 16:26:39,272 [Pulsator Thread] INFO  Navigator - Successfully generated path to X:3882,739 Y:-958,8418 Z:-663,3693
      Another question : is it normal for the bot not to defend itself while it's being aggro by another character (PVP) during grinding ?

      Thank you :)
    17. Deathdisguise

      Deathdisguise Community Developer

      Mar 7, 2015
      Likes Received:
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      Turns out I was the cause of this issue all along! An Agility update will be pushed soon! Sorry! Haha
    18. paradoxial

      paradoxial New Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      http://pastebin.com/x6uqXj6k <-- my log

      Avoid Tag isn't working on here. Here's my very basic profile.

      <Profile Name="Level 45" Author="paradoxial" Version="0.0.1">
      <AvoidCreature CreatureId="62213" MapId="1061" Radius="45" />
      <Hotspot X="1940.63245" Y="-910.702" Z="-2006.91809" Timeout="1" Range="300" />
      <Hotspot X="1996.18567" Y="-979.398438" Z="-1627.36768" Timeout="1" Range="300" />
    19. Tristou35

      Tristou35 New Member

      Oct 9, 2015
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      After the update, the same error keeps happening. The bot doesn't pull the mob, it just keeps waiting for it to aggro and will defend itself if so.
      If the mob doesn't attack the bot, the bot will just keep waiting indefinitely.

      Edit 1 : Same error for build 281. I play with basic medic routine and here is the xml of my grinding profile :
      <Profile Name="NAME NAMEs" Author="Walter" Version="1.0">
      		<Repair PreferClosest="true" PreferFirst="false">
      				<RepairNPC Name="Marchande Shreela" CreatureId="25050" X="3486.138" Y="-940.5912" Z="-454.009" MapId="51" />
              			<VendorNPC Name="Marchande Shreela" CreatureId="25050" X="3486.138" Y="-940.5912" Z="-454.009" MapId="51" />
      			<Hotspot X="4087.532" Y="-945.1413" Z="-819.6734" Timeout="1" Range="300" Name="New Hotspot" />
      See previous post for the log.

      Edit : Still the same bug for build 282. My character go to the mob and doesn't do anything. It's barely in range to pull the mob.
      Last edited: Oct 20, 2015
    20. Palenie

      Palenie New Member

      Dec 7, 2014
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      Any ETA on the new release Apoc ?

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