So I know about thousands of others and I have a problem with the extremely long BG queues. I figured out a temporary fix to it. As we all know, the ques for bgs that sometiems lasts more than 10 minutes is bugged and it can last forever until you requeue again. There are people who have made "BG Re-queues" plug-ins, but at the momment, none have seemed to work. But on the bright side, I found out a temporary fix. Using the older version of Honorbuddy I was able to do it. What you have to make sure of is that under the "Grind bot" settings, make sure "Ress at spirit healers" is checked. Then under the PVP tab, make sure you que for 2 different bgs. I recommend AV and IoC espically this weekend. The HB runs about 14 bgs before it freezes and then you can restart HB and do it all over again. For me 14 bgs is about a good 5-6 hours which is more then enough time for me to come back to my computer and restart the whole process. You can find the older version of Honorbuddy Here:[test]-honorbuddy-2-0-0-3626-a.html If the download link in that post doesn't work for you, (Because it hasn't worked for me) I'll upload the zip file of my HonorBuddy in the attachments below. What I am now requesting is a Plug-in that ques for 2 different bgs for the newest version of Honorbuddy. Thanks.