I have been interested in helping the community with tweaking/updating old plugins. I have been thinking about making a try of looking at a customplayermover that supports lightning warp. any1 got any tips on where to start? I know extendedplayermover already exists, what is the maindifference in code between 2.0 and before? any example of codechanges that can help me understand?
Well, there's few things you forgot to mention : - Are you familiar with C/C# ? - Do you think your logic is decent enough ? (brain-wise, not code-wise) If you can CLEARLY answer yes to those 2 questions, you cant start immediatly after few hours of API digging. else, you'll have to learn a bit of C# before continuing, just to know specific functions, types, wording and such. I wouldn't suggest people to "merge" pre-2.0 plugins into post2.0 by copy-pasting, tho you can still take bits of the logic already in. pushedx made a thread on "What changed and what not" can't find the link but it's around. That's pretty much all you need to start, a bit of knowledge.
I have no experience with writing in any C language, but ive read some.. And yes im a very logical person, probably some kind of aspbergers ^^ i just need some guidance when i get into something i can sit for days to solve it
I also learned with copy/paste, i were coming from long years of scripting from vasious differents languages, was scary about OOP, and caged in Procedoral...then something uppened and boom, Spaghetti!! toNyx live with that