4.0.1+ DK Unholy --> UPDATING, NEED INPUT <-- Hey, it's Snixs!!! I'm STILL testing this and is a bit unsure how to get it all to work by now, trying to get Blood Strike into the rotation for more survivability atm. NEED HELP TO DO THIS Here's the macros, ENJOY!! Slot 1: Slot 2: Slot 3: Slot 4: Slot 5:
Is there a way yo make DK'd cast path of frost and Jump before mounting when it thinks we are in water? I keep finding myself logged off cause Im in water...
"/cast Rune Tap " Rune tap is a blood Talent, i think that you mean "Blood tap"? Anyways, isent it possible to post in somehow so it just casts Death coil everytime possible? Specially with the talents of Unholy, Death coil is very usefull.