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  • Troubleshooting questions for HB stability

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by beefcake, Jan 18, 2011.

    1. beefcake

      beefcake New Member

      Jun 8, 2010
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      Every morning when I wake up I have 1-3 sessions of wow that are DC'd. Usually only 2 of them are and 1 is still running. My issue is that when I am awake and watching HB there are times that I get a pop up error with System.out.of.memory or something like that and it usually happens on one HB client. Then it takes around 10 minutes before I can reload HB onto that session of wow. I have 8gb of memory, and with 4 wows open and 3 of them running HB grind profiles, I have around 3.36gb of memory usage. I have over 100gb free on my main hdd and over 100gb free on my 2nd hdd. I run wow from my main HDD and HB from my second HDD.

      I run HB from one folder for all sessions. Should I seperate these into seperate folders so that when there is an error I can check the log for that specific character to see what went wrong? Also I believe that the DC issue overnight that only happens overnight is because HB stops communicating correctly adn my toon stands in one place till it afks out basically. I have had this issue while I was awake and watching it and all it required was for me to close out of HB and restart it. Just clicking stop and start again still results in no movement by the character so thats why I have to close out of HB. Anyways this is why I think my wows DC overnight. I do not have these issues of DC with GB running overnight.

      Again what troubleshooting can I do to try and figure out what this issue is?
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      give us your logs plz :)
    3. beefcake

      beefcake New Member

      Jun 8, 2010
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      I will do seperate folders for HB because it doesnt create 3 logs, one for each session. Then I will post logs for each session.
    4. beefcake

      beefcake New Member

      Jun 8, 2010
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      Ok I am at work, ran all 3 sessions ALL night long and so far they have fun for around 8 hrs today, making it around 20hrs total with no errors.

      The changes I made were this:

      Changed 'Mixed' to 'Grind' - was doing AV and grind profile and just switched to grind profile only

      Wish I had a log to post of the error, but so far this seems to have fixed everything for me. Running grind on 2 and AB on 1

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