Not sure if there is any collation between HB or not, only thing is I was kicked off the account WHILE botting. After a maleware scan I found 'h@tkeysh@@k.dll' which is undoubtedly the culprit.
that sux but it's not from buddyforums or buddy product did you use other bots before this one? or cruise other places? This is the reason why I only cruise gold selling sites from my bit torrent computer =P
I use WoWinfinity as well, but I've used that long before I picked up HB. That's the bizarre thing about it, my surfing habits barely differed out of the usual '4chan, wow forums, email'. Could be worse. Could have been banned then I would be in a totally different situation... but I'd be less scared for my creditcard and emails. What is possibly related however is how I guy approached me in the Chat claiming to give me 'free lifetime' which is an obvious scam in itself and I screenshotted the convo and sent it to Tony (which I never heard back from).
h@tkeysh@@k.dll is used by some programs to hook your keystrokes into the thread, Nietherbuddy products nor WI use this. Its more commonly found it 'hacks' like Gold Trainners, Godmods ect...