im unable to make it works , please advice, ive follow all steps with cast bar , macros and everything main problem is im using keybinds for example strafes one has been replaced since ive started wow and it seems it use them , cos my char fly then cast one of my keybinds , E or Q and dismount , when charater losing altitude its going to transform again fligh form and so on , also im getting some errors as well Mount sequence complete . Alarm : Crazy Unstick move moving to waypoint ( xxx , xxx , xxx ) and char does not move it alwos just flyin upper in the air Please adivce.
if you still have key binds, you havent followed all the steps... Reset ur keybindings to Default. And the crazy unstick thing is pr?bably a bad node that he cant get to, download a badnode file from one of the paths or add it urself =)
same problem here and i have try everything... o get this at Uldum with 2 different profiles and at TH also with 2 different profiles...
that was a good question sir!!! Tony made me the same question. going to look about that EDIT: the CMT was off... i always ignore that parameter coz HB switch it on alone but GB dont!! ty for the answer sir!!!
i fix my issue now thank you click to move what about other maps ? uldum is not working , twilight and hyjal works other are dead ...