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  • EB freezes/stop working

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bloodseeker12, Feb 3, 2016.

    1. bloodseeker12

      bloodseeker12 New Member

      Mar 13, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      i got this errror :

      2016-02-03 21:34:51,849 [1] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Exilebuddy BETA Version: 0.1.3832.1217
      Path: C:\Users\<Username>\Desktop\e test\<ExeName>

      OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
      OS Version: 6.1.7601
      OS Architecture: 64-bit
      InstalledUICulture: en-US [English (United States)]
      CurrentUICulture: en-US [English (United States)]
      CurrentCulture: en-US [English (United States)]

      2016-02-03 21:34:53,191 [1] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [AuthRegion] Europe.
      2016-02-03 21:34:53,511 [1] INFO CustomLogger (null) - ExilebuddyBETA [0.1.3832.1217] is up to date!
      2016-02-03 21:34:53,666 [9] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [Pre-Login] Connecting to Europe (
      2016-02-03 21:34:53,899 [9] ERROR CustomLogger (null) - Error while logging into auth:
      Max Sessions
      2016-02-03 21:34:53,986 [9] ERROR CustomLogger (null) - There was an error authenticating your key with the server. Please try again or use a different key.

      Max Sessions
      2016-02-03 21:35:15,918 [8] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [Pre-Login] Connecting to Europe (
      2016-02-03 21:35:16,108 [8] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Region: eu
      2016-02-03 21:35:16,109 [8] INFO CustomLogger (null) - T: 5247587339586573473 H: 2055348757
      2016-02-03 21:35:19,639 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - SupportedClientVersion:
      2016-02-03 21:35:21,499 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - SmartAssembly force load.
      2016-02-03 21:35:21,534 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [BotManager] MsBetweenTicks = 15
      2016-02-03 21:35:21,550 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ThirdPartyLoader] Loading start.
      2016-02-03 21:35:21,551 [11] WARN CustomLogger (null) - [ThirdPartyLoader] The load order entry [CommonEvents] does not exist in the current loaded assemblies.
      2016-02-03 21:35:21,552 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ThirdPartyLoader] Loading finished!
      2016-02-03 21:35:21,560 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Reloading AssemblyLoader<Loki.Bot.IBot> - Initializing
      2016-02-03 21:35:22,034 [1] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [OldGrindBot] This class is the new bot. Now setting up bot specific stuff.
      2016-02-03 21:35:22,038 [1] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [ItemEvaluator] Instance = Loki.Bot.DefaultItemEvaluator.
      2016-02-03 21:35:22,039 [1] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Current bot set to OldGrindBot.
      2016-02-03 21:35:22,066 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Reloading AssemblyLoader<Loki.Bot.IRoutine> - Initializing
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,080 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [OldRoutine] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,084 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: LeaveFrame (System.Boolean)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,085 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: SkipShrines (System.Boolean)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,085 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: EnableAurasFromItems (System.Boolean)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,085 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: DebugAuras (System.Boolean)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,085 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: AutoCastVaalSkills (System.Boolean)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,086 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: SummonRagingSpiritCountPerDelay (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,086 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: SummonRagingSpiritDelayMs (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,086 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: SummonSkeletonCountPerDelay (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,086 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: SummonSkeletonDelayMs (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,086 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: MineDelayMs (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,087 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: AlwaysAttackInPlace (System.Boolean)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,087 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: SingleTargetMeleeSlot (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,087 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: SingleTargetRangedSlot (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,087 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: AoeMeleeSlot (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,087 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: AoeRangedSlot (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,087 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: FallbackSlot (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,088 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: CombatRange (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,088 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: MaxMeleeRange (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,088 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: MaxRangeRange (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,089 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: MaxFlameBlastCharges (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,089 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: MoltenShellDelayMs (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,090 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: TotemDelayMs (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,090 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - Name: TrapDelayMs (System.Int32)
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,090 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [NullRoutine] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,113 [1] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Current routine set to OldRoutine.
      2016-02-03 21:35:23,143 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - Reloading AssemblyLoader<Loki.Bot.IPlugin> - Initializing
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,414 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [CommonEvents] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,418 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AutoFlask] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,426 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AutoLogin] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,433 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AutoPassives] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,442 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Chicken] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,446 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [DevTab] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,451 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ExternalCommunication] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,454 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [GemLeveler] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,456 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone1Name = The Mud Flats
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,459 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone2Name = The Ledge
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,460 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone3Name = The Cavern of Wrath
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,461 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone1Difficulty = Normal
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,461 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone2Difficulty = Normal
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,462 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone3Difficulty = Normal
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,462 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [GrindZoneChanger] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,463 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ItemFilterEditor] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,467 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [LowFpsHelper] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,479 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ObjectExplorer] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,481 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Overlay] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,483 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [PythonExample] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,556 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Stats] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,567 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [StuckDetection] Initialize
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,583 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [CommonEvents] Enable
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,586 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AutoFlask] Enable
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,587 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [AutoLogin] Enable
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,587 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [DevTab] Enable
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,593 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ItemFilterEditor] Enable
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,644 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [ItemEvaluator] Instance = ItemFilterEditor.ConfigurableItemEvaluator.
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,645 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [ObjectExplorer] Enable
      2016-02-03 21:35:36,645 [11] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [Stats] Enable
      2016-02-03 21:36:36,659 [1] ERROR CustomLogger (null) - [SettingsWindow] An exception occurred:
      GreyMagic.InjectionDesyncException: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: Injection Finished Event was never fired
      at GreyMagic.Executor.?????????????????????????????????????????(Int32 )
      at GreyMagic.Executor.?????????????????????????????????????????(Int32 )
      at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute(Int32 timeout)
      at GreyMagic.Executor.GrabFrame()
      at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.AcquireFrame(Boolean isHardLock)
      at Loki.Game.LokiPoe.AcquireFrame(UInt32 frameDropWaitTimeMs, Int32 executeTimeOut, Boolean clearCache)
      at Exilebuddy.SettingsWindow.?????????????????????????????????????????(Object , RoutedEventArgs )
      2016-02-03 21:36:58,314 [1] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [Dat] Now building the Stat lookup table.
      2016-02-03 21:36:58,550 [1] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [Dat] The Stat lookup table has been built.
      2016-02-03 21:36:58,552 [1] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [Dat] Now building the Passive Skills lookup table.
      2016-02-03 21:36:58,623 [1] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [Dat] The Passive Skills lookup table has been built.
      2016-02-03 21:36:59,112 [11] INFO CustomLogger (null) -
      Please read the following guide before using this program:

      this is first time i get this error when i try to run bot on my main( host pc) i run vm's without this problem
      i copied a clean eb bot and try it again without other plugins just clean eb
      did some one have the same problem , or can someone help me with it ,
      i have all windows updates install and i run the eb winzard for updates,
      eb just freezes for like 1 min

      i dont have antivirus programs or other protect programs
    2. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
    3. bloodseeker12

      bloodseeker12 New Member

      Mar 13, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
    4. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Glad to see it fixed.

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