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  • Current status of healing v4.0.4?

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by outage, Jan 15, 2016.

    1. outage

      outage New Member

      Dec 23, 2012
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      I tried running a corruption sorcerer and what currently happens is BW will target a random member of the party other than the tank and continuously heal that target even if the non tank target is at 100%, it will continuously spam heals.

      If I click off of that and select the tank, in an instant it will go back to the target i'm assuming it thinks is the tank and continue to spam heals, even if the tank is at any range of health 1% - 100%

      I'm not savy enough with routines to know what things to change to fix this or I'd offer support for anyone else going through the same thing. (I am using the latest profiles from github)

      However, if any one knows of a fix for this I would love to know about it. Is this maybe limited to corruption sorcerer? Are other healing classes having this issue?

      Any suggestions would be appreciated!
      (my main is a immortal juggernaut which works wonderfully, I'd just like to be able to heal with BW on the side)
    2. steadygrind

      steadygrind Member

      Jan 29, 2015
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      did you set that person as the tank with the f12 key?

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