Yep but our flask setups probably going to change a bit. After new Utility flask and the changes on old utility flasks. Well we will see when all information release. Thanks for your hard work. And yes more than 20 day we have for botting.
Well, I'll add classes for new flasks and update the old ones don't worry it'll take time but I guess it's finerino
You've a tab called "Object explorer" in settings, basically this saves/cache data when you press refresh. Use the flask, press refresh, look into Players > Your character. Copy/Paste the right panel to me in a pm (feel free to mask anything related to name/shit)
I call BS, your potato computer can't handle my plugin Keepo. Tbh, sometimes the bot have hard times refreshing buffs, which makes it pretty inacccurate. But it's the only viable solution for now, so try to improve performances.
Don't know if it was said already but you need to change the auraname of Vessel Of Vinktar to "lightning_flask". That one will work for all different Vessel's. The current one doesn't seem to work for Lightning Penetration one atleast. Edit: Also, for some reason you keep having the 'shocked' status when using Vessel of Vinktar and than a Shock flask after that. This can be fixed by using: LokiPoe.Me.IsShocked && !MiscHelpers.Me.HasAura("flask_bonus_shock_immunity")
It is dispelled in the game, but for some reason the 'shocked' aura stays in the object explorer (yes, I did refresh). So it keeps spamming ShockFlask after you did Vinktar, which isn't needed. The extra check on shock immunity fixes this though.
Vessel of Vintikar: (watch out this one is changed alot more, I wanted Vessel to be triggered on white and rare mobs, but if you copy only the auraname your fine) Shock: (in this one I only changed the check for immunity so it works with Vintikar)
Yep the lugin has changed a lot since last time, I'll just get the aura/immunity checks thanks for reporting
Another thing, for some flasks you check the amount of monsters, but it seems that it also counts death monsters and activates the flask in empty maps (where everything is dead already). Although I'm not fully sure atm. I added '!m.IsDead && m.IsHostile' to all the monster checks and seems better now.
When should we expect additional mob handling for atziri flask and taste of hate? Or in general, the rest of the flasks. EDIT: Suggestion, if mob handling is enabled for vinktar, rares should be considered "as a white mob" so it doesn't over pot