I keep getting the message: I've tried changing the password & email, didn't help sadly. I'm 100% sure it's not me.
i also get that sometimes but after trying to log in a few more times it lets me in. i think its just a lag in the AUTH servers though.
@panyama I changed both, shop and forum pass & email. @immabebottin I've been trying for well over 30 minutes now
Dumb question, did you try restarting your computer? Might have it open down in the bottom someone because when you minimize it, it doesn't close, just hides it. Happened to me once at least!
lol. It was a known bug in the old HB. I made a thread on it. Just download the new HB and you'll never get that, I know I haven't
post in payments section with invoiceID and have bossland kick off anyone else is my guess - include username