This thread is intended to help me, you and others with the process of botting, selling items and leveling your characters with the add.ons feature of WoW. Please link the download page also. I'll start first. Here we go: Auctionator - Auctionator - Addons - Curse It speeds up the auctioning process, helps you by inserting the buy out price by scanning the market for the specific items. Helps you with selling bulk items like herbs/ore/volatiles by inserting the max no of a specific item that u have posted on ah. EasyMail - EasyMail from Cosmos - Addons - Curse Opens all mails, has a button for check/uncheck all, and get attachments. 1 Click - empty mail. Works great. It's amazing and easy to use. No fancy GUI addons for me, i try to keep it simple and original. No ram or cpu to spare also .
Onebag onebank auctioneer [i also buy stuff at low and sell high as well as bot] postal and lil spraky's workshop [tell you if things are worth more than the mats to make them]
AckisRecipeList (to see what recipes dont have, dont use this all time just when want), AddonControlPanel (lets me turn mods on or off in game, then reset UI), altoholic (on for all toons), archy (only on when doing archeology), atlas, atlasloot (only one for toons that are main type), Auctionator (I think better than auctioneer, less memory usage), badboy, bagnon, bankstack, carbonite, DBM, Dominos, Elephant, EquipCompare, IceHUD, Jamba (when I dual box), MikScrollingBattleText, Omen, OmniCC, Postal, Prat, Recount (only on when want), SellJunk, SimpleRaidTargetIcons, TidyPlates, TipTac, TradeSkillMaster, VuhDo (only on for healers), XLoot, XPerl, I'm kinda a Mod whore. Have tried few UI types, dont like all the memory they use, so just use ones want when want.