Anyone know why at level 15, I can't 5 man queue for randoms using dungeonbuddy? It only has the options for specific dungeons, farm, and none. EDIT: It showed up when my tank hit 16. Idk why. Solved
Because you need to open Dungeon Finder GUI ingame, so HB update its data. (Its not autoupdated on levelup)
i got a huge problem with DB i have a 5 men team lvl up, i dont have the required 500 ilvl for LFD so i set to farm tried with Bloodmaul and Iron Docks and get the same problem: when the istance is over, they run to the exit but instead of porting out, they run in circle just before the portal, all 5. Is that an issue with DB/script or i miss something?
Probably the instance exit coords have changed in some recent patch, and they need to be corrected in the script.
Yes scroll down the first site.. Pit of Saron isnt working! HB says its not supported.. but I have all Files...
im using this profile now. everything is fine, but when my toon dies, he doesnt running back. My friend and i are having same issue, and i can see a lot people have same question, can anyone fix this problem?
The end of UBRS WoD Heroic sometimes makes my team not queue up again for random heroics, seemingly because they're still in combat. Other times they queue up no problem though, sadly dont have a log at the moment.
I can vouch for this problem as well. Finished fine twice today, wouldn't finish the other 2, and one time the leader suicided off the edge and all the followers did their job and died, too. Log doesn't contain anything helpful, but here you go: View attachment 6516 2016-06-13 08.39.txt
Is there any way to run mythic dungeons in a 5 man grp were i controll the tank. rest are bots? I tried slag mines with the bots set to specific heroic slag mines. but they didnt seem to get it. they avoided nothing on first boss nor did they complain it was wrong dungeon id. What to do?
My bot keeps making me leave dungeons randomly, I thought I saw Honorbuddy had an update that was supposed to fix this problem, but its still doing this for me? I keep getting deserter because of it.
If your toon is Tank, make sure you set settings to "Tank in Random Groups" to true, otherwise it will leave if vote for kick appear and not success. Plus be aware that you should proving full log file, to get appropriate help. Ref: [Guide] How to attach your log
I'm a mage, so definitely not tanking :\ its happening only in the LK dungeons, didn't do it in any others...
Can you look into the UBRS issue please? I just came back after being afk for 6 hours and found that my characters have been sitting at the end of UBRS for the entire 6 hours I've been gone. My guess is I was stuck in combat the whole time.
I quoted my old post...Did you even bother to read that? I'm not the only person to report this problem, it's been going on for awhile.
Yes, i read your quote and i looked log provided, i didn't saw any afk period from your log. If you sure there was AFK period, post a line from log. Also, you should not be rude, i am not Core Dev, and i am not have to help you, i just wish to help, keep this in mind, when making posts like this. Or you can come to a state, where you will get no attention from Community Devs and you will have to wait for answer from Officially HB Support team.
revive, mass resurrection, rebirth First, let me say, I love Honorbuddy, the community and the support! Thanks to all who invest so much time making WoW fun by taking out the grind! I'm leveling a Restoration druid using Dungeonbuddy. I've noticed that it will typically rebirth a dead party member while in combat, but will not revive or cast mass resurrection out of combat. Is this a known issue? Is there a way around it? I'm using TuanHA Druid and a few plugins. Can't imagine any of them causing an issue... Some logs from today attached. Felix View attachment 16592 2016-06-16 07.47.txt View attachment 5764 2016-06-16 17.18.txt View attachment 15680 2016-06-16 08.34.txt