when I type /played it says 6 hours 7 mins of playtime and only level 6? I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but the bot is dying ALOT and gets stuck ALOT. Got stuck 2 times while typing this sentence. I'm using Mords 1-20 Human. Also tried 1-60 Human but that didn't work either. I don't blame the bot at all, since other seem to get it working fine. Just want to know what I'm doing wrong. Cheers.
Thanks for quick replys. CC = Custom Class? Im using a Mesh? And I'm a warrior. Log: Was too big to upload here. http://freetexthost.com/phjrhsgjy3
The bot is perfectly fine 1-20. In fact, if I'm only going to bot once those are the levels I would bot. They are extremely boring, and the regen buffs at low levels make it fly by if you bot.
try this and its better to lvl as Arms http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?418-likWarrior-CC-by-likwid818
or this and lvl as Prot http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?580-Hawker-s-Tank-A-Protection-Warrior-CC
Im still getting stuck alot. Used that CC. Ive tried Paladin/warrior human and warrior NE and all gets stuck frequently.
It cant be just a bad profile. I've tried Badlands 1-11 NE, mords 1-20 palla and badlands 1-60 human.
The pull distance is at 35 right now. Is that ok? btw, If Im a human im getting stuck in Fair in goldshire everytime I die. And NE Idk whats happening with him gets stuck in trees alot and Im usually getting whispers saying "You ok?"