Would it be possible to change the logic for magic maps that you get as a drop? Lets say i have Waterways Map (tier 13) set to "Upgrade To" == Rare, and "Rare Reroll" == Chaos. If the Waterways Map is already a Magic Map, then currently it just goes into the map device as a blue map instead of getting upgraded to a rare. Would changing Rare Reroll from Chaos to Scour Alch prevent the blue map from going in? I know this situation wont come up too often, was just seeing if there is a way to get around throwing the high tier maps in as magic, if set to Rare. I only bring this up because i thought the MapBuddy bugged when i seen it throw in a blue T13 map, so i read the log and it turns out the map was already magic map when it got pulled out of the stash.
This can be considered but I need to look deepier into that because it may cause various side effects.
Not recording deaths properly. I just watched a death, waited for it to res and go back and finish the map, then a new map, and into the new map. Closed settings window and reopened. still reporting 0 deaths. EDIT: other than that.. I am loving this new version!! forcing pack size on everything is already helping my map pool greatly!
Yeah I'm seeing this too, trying to locate the bug. Can you send me the logs when it happened? Can you be more specific? Upload some logs maybe, delete old MapRunner, clean your 3rdPart\_Configs_ folder.
I think the easiest way would be like.. if (map.upgrade == map.rarity(rare)); if (map.rarity(magic); then (scour dat bitch && use.orbofalchemy); else (use.orbofalchemy); Obviously not the correct code at all, but you get the idea. Wouldn't cause a rare map to get scoured unless it's magic.
I think a GREAT option would be to pause the bot for X seconds upon finding a trial (that way if I'm at PC I can run it, and if I've wandered off for a bit, it will eventually continue on its own). I'd like to use that feature but I can't trust myself to remember to enable/disable it when I'm actually available.
This will be the best compromise I think "- (Needs Testing!!) If UpgradeTo is set to Rare and RerollType to Chaos or ScourAlchemy the bot will first try to reroll magic maps into rares. If you dont want to reroll magic into rares you have to set RerollType to None or ScourTransmute or use AdvancedSettings and untick MagicToRare."
For UnID maps, is it possible to enter map and if its bloodmagic or elemental damage reflect => leave and change map?
When running back to a trial, would it be possible to take the transition portal first, then stop the bot? While i havent fell victim to this yet, i can see the bot being stopped and then some random pathing mob comes up and kills you while you were waiting at the trial. When you enter a trial, there are no mobs anywhere near the entrances, since you need to open the trial door inside first before any mobs come into play.
v1.1.0 - 23.06.2016 Advanced Settings: - Added "Advanced Settings" checkbox in Main Settings. It'll unlock settings that are dangerous to set by someone that doesnt know what to do. They are placed at the end of other Maps options. - Min IIQ, IIR and Pack Size are now map Advanced Settings. - Added new map Advanced Settings: MobsToFinish, PercentageToCheck and TrackMobTaskRange. You can set them to finish the map sooner/later. - Added new map Advanced Setting: MagicToRare. You can untick it to force the plugin to never upgrade magic into rares. It's located after Rare Reroll Type - Enabling Advanced Settings will create new Expander in General tab with the name of Advanced Settings. - Added an option in Advanced Settings to enable using "Sacrifice at Midnight" along with the other Sacrificial Fragments. Disabled by default. Come to Trials: - Come to Trial moved to it's own expander. You can now choose which trials to stop at. - Come to Trial will now try to enter the trial first before stopping the bot. - ComeToTrialTask will now call Map Completed event before stopping the bot. Others: - If UpgradeTo is set to Rare and RerollType to Chaos or ScourAlchemy the bot will first try to reroll magic maps into rares. If you dont want to reroll magic into rares you have to set RerollType to None or ScourTransmute or use Advanced Settings and untick MagicToRare. - Various improvements and fixes in FindProperMap - Sacrificial fragments will now be taken from highest to lowest amount. - SellMapTask, TakeMapTask and OpenMapTask are now added before ReturnToGrindZoneTask instead of after SortInventoryTask. This is like that because we want entering map as the last one here. - Statistics will now show tiers instead of levels. - Aura precast or mode changes doesnt require restarting the bot to take effect anymore. - (Hopefully) fixed deaths not being counted in map statistics. - Various additional debug information added in the code.
Realy great work man! I found a few minor problems: I have set to vall some tier 12 maps, but the "run UnID" maps box was unchecked, and even this way my bot run UnID maps... And other thing is, my "ignore boss room" on crematorium map was checked, and my avoid mob Maegera was configured, but the but still tried to kill the boss. Anyway, its a very good plugin, congratulations for your work.