I know this topic has come up many times before but it has never effected me so badly before. I still have no trouble selling my stuff but these two people are posting 30+ stacks at a time of ore AND herbs. They keep undercutting each other as they keep relisting and it's driving the price down HARD. The problem is I don't think they even know they are doing it. One guy has 50 stacks up and another at least 100+ stacks. I would be making 2k+ more a night if it wasn't for these retards, I've never reported botters before as some sort of theifs honor but these guys are getting on my tits. Is there anything I can do or just report them for flooding the market? They will get banned within a week no doubt. Thanks for the help.
1. Reporting a fellow botter...ffs....you NEVER do that. Ever. 2. It is a free market - either lower your listings or find something else to sell.
There's 2 things you can do. A. Nothing because it's "bad" to report another botter. (You'll sleep at night because you are a good person, just hope they don't report you) B. Report every single GB user you see and every single AH flooding noob you see (you get more gold, they can't report you if they are banned) Everybody here will say choose A but honestly do w.e you want nobody will ever find out.
As in real life, its a free market, what makes you think they are supposed to play by your rules? I think its hypocritical and very selfish to report another botter. Learn from it and move on.
micromanage little bit. Turn ur mats into something else that can sell. If its something they just started doing just wait, they will stop I'm sure. If something they have been doing forever, then will prolly keep going till they get themselves banned. Which if done right, only there AH toons will get banned. So all they have do is make new AH toons and be right back in it. If you know for sure they are using a undercutting mod and not paying attention to there prices then you can mess with them also. Post 1 stack for incredibly low. Which makes them have to undercut you. Make there supply get sold real fast. Either they stop when supply gone, or think omg I'm not making money. But end result I never report botters. Find private buyers, make alch start supply of flask. Start JC, prospect sell uncut gems. Always something to do.
Why not just buy out all there ore and put it back on for a higher price of your choosing? There is no reason why you cannot control the market when people drop the prices
buy all the ore on the AH and relist it back up to 175g a stack or so, just let them undercut again till it gets low and then repeat
I dont know if you noticed or not but, people who complain about AH flooding are always botters themselves. Regular players LOVE these type of things because they get cheaper items. If you report them, be warned that eagle eyes will be watching your account. This is info from my GM friend.
nah because they wil put just new mats on we botters have enough to do that anyone who would buy their mats low sell high would be dumb because they always have more mats so i just use my bot mats to sell never buy from ah posters because you know they have more
I think it is hilarious that people say not to report a fellow botter... and then people say to buy out the cheap herbs and relist. UNLIM supply causes decrease in price for the demand. The demand will always be there but the price will always go down. If I buy botter A's herbs/ore and relist at a higher price, the next day botter A will just undercut me again and force me to buy from him. This entire time I am hoping my stuff sells and wasting my gold buying from botter A the undercutter. The undercutter wins because they have a constant cash flow. Anyways I took all my bots off the market for a few weeks and prices jumped back up again, I then started just advertising in trade at the price I wanted to sell them for and got a ton of sales that way. One good thing about retard botters and AH dumb fks is that they almost always use the AH. Sooo... you can just quit screwing around on the AH and start selling in trade and beat them at their own game. I am guessing that either A most people dont have servers like mine that this exact situation is a constant problem or B people have found a solution to the problem (aka having friends report the known botters) and just act like it doesnt go on. I know I have lost accounts because of competition on the market and another botter reporting me. It is what it is, and its a "legal" means of eliminating the competition for some time. My vote is that B goes on much more than the community lets on but whatever. I dont sell gold so it really does not affect me like it would someone making a decent part time living on selling gold.
I had the same trouble with selling Blackened Dragonscales..... When I first started selling them they were selling for around 15-18g each, but then after I started selling them people kept undercutting me but I called it quits when the prices got as low as 5g each..... Thats just to low for me so I stopped putting them up on AH for a while and have noticed that the price is starting to creep up again.
I cannot buy them all out i dont have enough gold there is 30 pages total and 25 of them is pretty much these guys for ore. I'm leveling up alch/JC on an alt but hes 61 and im stuck at 375. Thanks for your opinion im going to debate it more, believe me I've seen MANY like this before but it's on such an extreme scale. I've been botting for most of my 5 years played of wow, im not new.
Not that I have any interest in gold selling or whatever, but not reporting the idiot boters out there (that are obviously botting and ruining the market because they have no brains) the market crashes and the gold prices go down. So think again when you decide to say "don't report other boters" (and then complain about the prices of gold falling down).
I don't even know where this rule of "don't report other botters" came from. Do you know the other botter? No Do you know if he reported you? No Do you get anything for NOT reporting him? No If he get's banned does it affect you? No If he get's banned will you make more gold? Yes If you make more gold does that = more $? Yes oh wait wait let me give you the correct answer "Don't report other botters! we are like family!" I used to think that way until an idiot botter started fucking with me... since then I think differently I think only of what's best for me, whatever that might be. Do I report Botters? No
Call me a hypocrite, whatever. But I DO report "idiot" AH botters. (Ones that I know are botting to undercut anything put up on the AH) I have no problem with people botting, and putting their mats up (undercutting will always happen, so its a fact of life IMO). However, when you put up 10 stacks of herbs, then 2min later see 10 stacks up for 5-10s less (and you can repeat this every 5min, and see the same undercut happen), then someone is obviously botting, and ruining it for everyone at once. If people are going to bot the AH, they need to setup minimum prices, as I've gotten some idiots to sell 150g/stack herbs, for < 1g. (After buying out 200+ stacks, I usually either report them, or send them a mail calling them a dumbass.) It's one thing if you're keeping prices "somewhat" around the proper area for the supply/demand, but when you're dropping 100g+ stuff, down to 20-30g, you do need to do something, as it hurts everyone. (Except those powerleveling professions of course.) Note: no, I don't sell gold. No, I don't care what you guys think either. I don't like seeing the entire market crash because of a few dumbass botters who don't take the time to set things up properly.
Guys, seriously quit crying, all I can hear is small minded teens wallowing in self pity just because they dont get their own way all the time. There will always be undercutting in the AH thats the nature of auctions! Were you guys the types who stole some smaller childs ice cream in the playground just cause your momma was too tight to buy you one? because thats the same type of behaviour youre recommending when you say to report other bots.