Greetings, Thank you for taking the time to contact us regarding the World of Warcraft account you are using. We understand your point of view and have thoroughly reviewed this issue. As a result, the account action has been removed from the account and all involved parties have been addressed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please remember that the security of the account you are using is crucial. We recommend following the Security Checklist - Account Security - on our Account Security site at Account Security - Please feel free to contact us with any further questions or concerns you may have. Thank you for your time and patience in this matter and your continued interest in World of Warcraft. Regards, Blizzard Entertainment Blizzard Support <> 6 days 7 letters and bam account back...never botting again on it lol
Grinding and I told them i was developing a new addon that would record avg mobs killed per hour and percentage of cloth and other crap dropped and average gold dropped per hour, and they still banned it so i attached some scrits that i made up and sent that in and that did it, along with telling them that i had been hacked a few weeks back and i could have a keylogger on my pc and that was it they unbanned it like 7 mins ago
I got permabanned on a couple accounts for selling gold. The nerdrage like "i got hacked wtf" always worked yet. knock knock knock
I got a 72 hour suspension a week ago and about 20 hours later I got an apology email saying sorry for the inconvenience and the suspension was lifted!! And i didn't even do anything!