Basically I'm just wondering if I can turn the AFK title on my player after I'm not actually jumping him on the window? I have been watching him bot on my other screen for a while now but it says "AFK" in front of his name so just wondering if this is normal or if it's because I have it windowed on my other screen? If it is normal won't it log me out after a certain time period because of the AFK tag? Thanks for the help! PS - I used forum search tool and came up with no matches.
its in the interface options in wow ... and the afk "tag" doesn't matter at all. now if your client isn't sending movement packets to the server, after a given amount of time it will kick u. a lot of ppl get king jumper addon (or something like that) -kick
Yeah it didn't fix it... Does it have anything to do with my window not being selected and on my other 20" computer screen? As in, do I have to have the game pulled up for it to not make me go AFK? I downloaded jumper but it didn't seem to clear my afk title.
Yeah the afk tag did matter. My character just logged himself out : /... Please help! Again it is on windowed mode and not selected so I'm thinking that might be it.
make sure you have auto clear afk turned on in wow and try restarting your comp. I had some issues with going afk while grinding (mid fight a few times lol) but restarting seemed to fix it for me. You could also try re downloading HB and if still nothing happens post a log Also, you should be able to minimize wow and it not affect your botting (at least i can)