It would be nice to have a Plugin that will flip those Mysterious Tarot Cards and sell the White ones once they are flipped. Its quite a pain to sell them all by hand I create around 300 a day cause herbs on my server sell for almost zero. This is the Card: Mysterious Fortune Card - Item - World of Warcraft Those are the Loots: Fortune Card - Item - World of Warcraft Thanks in Advance, if theres anything I could help with just whistle. Im nowhere near a coder so I cant really help with coding but with testing.
Since im starting to create more Cards each day due to my Realms Herb Prices, I'll offer a bounty for a Developer who would create a Plugin that fits the above. It should do the following: Start near Vendor X Buy Needed Mats (Ink is already created by the Allrounder Plugin) Create the Cards Sell them to the vendor he buys Paper from. Thats about it. If anyone is up to create a Plugin like this I'll pay him/her a Bounty and its up to the Dev if he wants to offer it here for free or make it a Paid Plugin.
While we wait for that, we could do with a plugin that just repeatdly mashes a macro over and over again. The macro this time being my /use Mysterious Fortune Card one.
the problem is not using the cards its repeating the process of creating and selling. using them is piss easy