Yo peeps this could be easy, may not work, who knows This request would be useful for HC players. a request to add some stop function after a certain quest. for example -you run act 1 and all of 2 but want your bot to stop at the last quest so he doesn't get 1 shotted by a2 Boss. -You want your bot to stop after dried lakes quest after running all of a3(to re-gear/run dried lakes for 10 levels) any thoughts ? edit... Ignore the story---+ add some tick box's in quest bot to stop bot at end of act boss's +---
Why not be at the computer monitoring the bot once in a while to prevent dumb things it'll eventually do such as stop performing actions altogether and require a restart?
Because its not the bots fault for that dumb users can't follow instructions. The bot can only be as smart as the user, never smarter.
lol you two jokers must not play HC. this option is in the maps plugin ... to stop an do the boss/ trial. can a man not walk away from the computer for 5 mins an not worry about the bot doing to much?
yes that's true. but it would be added safety for user in HC that want the bot to get to a certain point then stop- then gear - then do the boss manually. if SC users wish to leave the bot do get to a4 on a1 gear that's fine. It takes an average 2 hours to get to a3 for me with some lvling gear - that's not long.
1) If you really want to go HC, i wouldn't bot to level the char. 2) You don't play HC, you bot it obviously. 3) You don't walk away of the computer if you're scared to die in HC leagues, while botting. That was fun as hell doud, can't stop. The thing is that we don't have any freaking infos about what's going on, which is a bit annoying. (dev-wise) you know that it would take 15mn to code this? but who knows what's going on, whatever. Wait for updates, for now people won't have much more infos about this than ExVault itself.
well I def play --- the end game---(have a range of classes i'm trying) just cbf with the middle bit... I realise it's not a 15m code... was somewhat curious if there were other HC botters doing the same... don't know whats going on > was just asking if it would be hard to add some extra tick box's to stop the bot at major bosses... but all G Tony keep the banter to a minimum and the lists lol
Same do I and I really would like to see this feature also... And please stop yelling don't bot hc - it's dead or whatever - this is just a request. I also don't tell you that you softies do not need a chicken/flasking plugin, because dying is not a problem for you.
Us Softies are realistic. We know limitations of the bot. It doesnt take a monkey to figure out that getting shocked a few times means no.
you would be surprised what the bot is capable of when tweaked. it works great in HC just needs fine tuning, Its good for looting any Difficulty to help you progress late game. anyways cheers Shrek