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  • Honorbuddy not living up to its name

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by donmagicjuan, Feb 11, 2011.

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    1. atg68

      atg68 New Member

      Oct 19, 2010
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      aaahhh the good old days of afk'ing av and getting honor.. it's not quite that simple anymore :(
    2. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      So, since this is apparently another bandwagon thread.

      Do me a favor, and sum up exactly what issues you're having with BG Bot. (Not PVP Bot, as it's eventually going to be removed, in favor of BG Bot)

      Today my focus is on finishing up BG bot, so I can slap v1 on it. As it stands; it *is* stable, and does exactly what its meant to do. Granted, some BG profiles are... lacking. (WSG has had more areas added, and AV needs work still)

      So please, let me know exactly what you're looking for. (Keep in mind; for v1, I'm only focusing on offense-only logic. Guarding/defending logic will come later, when things work up to par.)
    3. birdmanwow

      birdmanwow New Member

      Jan 1, 2011
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      yea same here. i check glider forums everyday hoping there back
    4. nfllover100

      nfllover100 New Member

      Apr 25, 2010
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      I love HB, when I first joined HB it ran so good it was nuts, now its a little shaky but still, everything cant be perfect forever. When I first joined around late WOTLK, HB changed my gaming experience tremendously. I had all the best items due to being loaded with gold, got all the pvp stuff I wanted, leveled all the alts I wanted. If HB went down for good tomorrow, I would have no regret in buying it.
    5. killermiller

      killermiller New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      I just joined the club (well it has been around 2-3 weeks perhaps?) and already got a char upto 85, mostly through Mixed mode, maybe the BG profiles are a bit repetitive but with a nice CC it works so well that it is very difficult to distinguish from real players, and made a nice bit of gold in the process, all of this with a very very shaky connection that likes to go offline in the middle of the night and not come back for some time. I really like HB, sure maybe it is a bit higher maintenance, but this is a bot you are talking about, if you don't get your hands dirty you'll never accomplish anything. Only thing it lacks perhaps is an easy (easier lets say) way to make profiles perhaps, but even that is a minor issue.

      So either you are unlucky and for some reason can't enjoy HB/GB/BG botting, or you simply don't want to work on some settings.

      (For some crazy and nice reason, WoW seems to crash far more often when it is day and I am around to watch the bot and babysit it, then when I afk bot all night, I never once saw the bot DC or crash during the night=D )
    6. MD182

      MD182 Guest

      Oh I'm sorry - You're right I have 2 rings left to get.
    7. Hasp

      Hasp New Member

      Apr 2, 2010
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      And i'm sure all that gear took you far longer than 3 weeks to get......but that's ok stick to your exaggerated opinion of pvp gear is faceroll to get and takes almost not time at all.
    8. donmagicjuan

      donmagicjuan Member

      Dec 31, 2010
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      The battlegrounds that are currently listed as fully supported are working great. I would just like to see the other battlegrounds with full support so I can do random queues during the week when its not a holiday weekend. What you have done is working great so far, so if you can finish the other ones with the same effort it would be perfect!
    9. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      If you guys do not like the way HB is acting or the things that it does you can easily change everything within the bot. It has been proven by many people that if you actually sit down and do it you can make the bot do almost anything you want. A few months ago there was a fishbot that could fly, or the quest behavior system, or even the Auto DK system that HighVoltz wrote a while back. If you do not have the ability to do these things, then maybe instead of complaining your should write out a detailed list of whats wrong with it and a few ways that you can contribute to help out or ways that you think the goals can be achieved. But in no way is complaining or sitting there going to help improve the bot.

      The HB team is working hard to deal with everything that is going on. Apoc is doing an awesome job with everything that has to be done. CC devs and profile devs had to do a lot of work to keep up with the HB API changes, all the HB dev team is asking for is for cooperation and patience until things can be resolved.
    10. Truman422

      Truman422 Member

      Jan 10, 2011
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      I only really used glider, and not very much before this, and needless to say, this bot has impressed me enough that I'm a lifetimer, and it only took two days of using it to make that decision. I'm glad there's people out there that can release a legit bot (meaning virus free) for the people like myself who work way too much to do all the work it takes to get money/leveling done, and allows me to enjoy the end game without all the footwork. If there is anything that the people that created this bot deserve it is seriously hardcore mad props for doing such a great job. If you get annoyed, and upset and cry about some little piece of it not working, in my opinion, go do something else with your time. Credit is due for the people that put in way more time than they have to, to keep this thing as up to date as they do, and that includes all you contributers too, I thank you.

      EDIT: Actually, that's a good question, why does my thing still say buddy's? I did that settings thingy. lol.
    11. lickalime

      lickalime New Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      Just remember there has been more patches lately then i have ever seen in wow the fact that 5 days out of the week you can bot is nice. But i also agree pvp should be the main focus i.e gb2,ab ,ib be put on the back burner until its running right. Just imho but i dont use pvp as much more just quest/ib till 85 then grind honor gear.
    12. Hasp

      Hasp New Member

      Apr 2, 2010
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      I think you are missing the point here. PvP is supposed to be fully supported within the bot. It shouldn't be necessary for plugins to accomplish a satisfactory PvP experience. That's like going to buy something from the store and it's broken but instead of fixing or replacing it themselves the store gives you some glue and says here ya go make it better.
    13. A1l3n

      A1l3n New Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      I just wish they bot would afk at flags and bases that are capped. Also would love it if would cap flags and so on if they are not capped. Thats all I really want in a pvp bot. And right now I have to use my back up bot to do it. Just makes me sad when HB is doing less in PVP then PiroX. Just sayin.
    14. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The only thing that I see advertised for HB is this for pvp "Honorbuddy is a World of Warcraft PVP, Leveling and Questing Bot. Honorbuddy is as easy to setup as ABC." Does HB pvp? Yes. Are they working to improve pvp? Yes. Did they ask for suggestions on what should be added to the new pvp system? Yes. Everything is going exactly what they said it does, they are improving the BG Bot because people requested that it be done.

      All the problems you guys are saying happen the same amount if not more in wow itself. So because blizzard breaks something in a patch does that mean everyone has to get their money back? Why is HB so much different that if there is a problem then it has to be fixed instantly?

      I understand if something has been not working for months then yes something probably needs to be said. But they are fixing it now and they are doing what they can to improve the bot. But as I said, the pvp is working exactly like they said it would. So there-fore you did get what you paid for and if you want to change it do what I said before.
      Last edited: Feb 12, 2011
    15. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      what it comes down to is, if you feel your not getting a satisfactory experience with the bot, then your free to go elsewhere, we offer a money back guarantee, if you think someone else can do it better then go with them, we are doing what we can to bring all apects of the bot to where they need to be in order to do everything flawlessly. apoc posted a changelog for the new version and most of the new fixes for the version to be released for patch 4.0.6a, and most of the fixes are for battlegrounds.


      like i said no one is forcing anyone to stay here, if you think another bot can do it better then go with them thats what it comes down to. we are doing our best to make the product as best as possible, but its not going to happen over night, and we cant fix problems that we dont know about.
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