Thats a known issue with OldRoutine itself and has nothing to do with the changes made in this thread. If you search for the "General Combat Routine" someone made some really good improvements to OldRoutine itself, but after about a week the author vanished In that routine, he solved the ranged walking into melee range issue, but there were some other issues that never got fixed in the routine, such as not being able to use discipline aura and a few other issues. Was great to see someone working on a new routine, because OldRoutine is extremely outdated. If i had to guess, OldRoutine will likely be the next project ExVault works on after Mapbot is released and finished, but who knows.
Just set the key to ranged attack range instead of melee attack range. Works just fine. Occasionally walks face first into things, but deals damage from ranged most of the time.
Hello! It doesnt work :-( I downloaded ur 2 files, replaced them with the files which are already in oldroutine and renamed settingsgui.txt to settingsgui.xaml - he still channels unlimited if he fights a boss. he just releases the stack if he changes targets. also there is a "nullroutine". what did i do wrong? :-(
Make sure you replace all 3 files, that means the renamed file should have the exact name as I described. I could've uploaded a zip, but I don't expect this to be a challenge for you.
And i guess for the ranged (just below these settings), Combat range to 70ish.. Max Melee Range to 10 (still need this set low to handle Proximity Shield monsters), and Max Range Range to whatever you feel is comfortable for your character / gear. I think i was using 45ish.
Ohhhh I see, thank you so much! I really appriciate the help everyone, Thanks again Unknown Buddy! Also Fujiyama's attachments are working! (don't forget to rename the one he said to rename!)
I know mine does this, not sure if mines due to player mover, it uses my movement skill, into packs... but I have fortify so generally its ok.
IMPORTANT It seems that everytime exile buddy updates itself, the oldroutine gets replaced. This means that you need to replace the necessary files EACH update...
after replacing all files it still only does 1 charge =[ can someone have a look at my settings / skills please and tell me if i set anything wrong
im pretty sure this would require the user to update the namespace as well, else it will still be in conflict with existing oldroutine.