hello friends, i used to bot on D3 many years ago and it was great! want to bot on POE now have a few questions 1. If i bot on my main account and get banned will i get VAC ban on my steam ? 2. If i bot on my my other account and get banned will i get my main account also banned and get an ip ban or some sort ? 3. Can this bot run maps in map device not just act's ? 4. If yes can some one link me to guide on how to set my bit up to do it please ty
1. Only ggg can tell you 2. Only ggg can tell you (they used to do IP bans, not sure if they still do that. if your main interacts with your bot it will most probably get flagged & banned) 3. yes 4. no
why no ? i had a look around forums and i find it hard to find anything. I still trying to remember how this bot worked.
'cuz you're not my buddy. On a more serious note, we get people here asking to be spoonfed all the time and it's very much frowned upon. Try yourself, come back with clear and concise questions & a log if you have an issue, then people might help. Why should anyone spend more time trying to answer your question when you only take 5s to ask it? So here's my 5s answer: Download Plugin Enable Plugin Configure Plugin Press Start ??? Profit
yeah i know people get very mad sorry about that. I just wanted to get a head start. Just been looking through forums but cant find anything regards to map farming. I guess there must be something in bot menu for that. Ill just download bot when i get home and go from there. thx anyway =]
If you can't find anything about map farming, I feel sorry for you.. hint: look in the community developer forum..
Go in developer forums and get these plugins: -Advanced item filter -Flaskhelper -MapRunner put them in /3rdparty folder. The rest you can figure out by yourself by reading Good luck!
Everyone pretty much answered your question, but I just wanted to make sure that you know... You asked about being banned, and if you are worried about being banned, I wouldn't bot. Most people here bot because it enhances their experience with the game, and if they really do get banned... nothing of value was lost.
got bot working thx all! I am botting on my main, this game just drained life out of me, iv been playing like 7 hours a day after work and like 10 hours on weekends when league came out, went full no life mode pretty much. Got sick of it. Just though fuck it ill bot get supper good gear play casually my self sometimes and maybe sell everything for $$$ if im not banned yet. Dont give a shit if i get banned what i care about is getting flagged on steam somehow like VAC ban. I think that I will have less chance of getting banned anyway, since its my main. I also play on it my self, i trade, i got skins, i got friends, i talk to friends etc.. if client it self not detectable there not much odd behavior going on on my account
You will definitely 100% not get vac ban on steam for poe ban. Source: my main was banned, I don't have a vac (plus it would be illogical for them to give a Valve Anticheat Ban for something that had nothing to do with Valve Anticheat)