Another release, for the Demonology Warlock Specialization. No Gui, everything is hardcoded. If you would like to modify feel free. It does contain movement, but it will not ensure proper range or auto target, therefore rendering it fairly useless for any afk botting. The rotation is based on SimCraft's updated warlock DPS. I have added a nice method for using the Artifact Power which optimizes it's damage. Hopefully you all enjoy it. As per the other two, I'm not sure of the interest in CR's being maintained. If you are interested send me a PM, I will most likely go with the most popular class. As always, donations are a great motivational tool, until than you'll get what I can give with my time allowed. Anyway, hope you all enjoy! Manual Combat Hotkey: Alt + S Cooldowns On/Off Hotkey: Alt + E Needed Talents: Shadowflame Improved Dreadstalkers Hand of Doom Grimoire of Synergy Demonbolt ToDo: Gui ** Tbd Shadow-flame implementation.** Done Efficient Interrupts ** Probably Never Talent Manager ** Tbd Etc.. View attachment
im interested and if i can contribute somehow please tell. 1)cr keeps casting demonbolt after 5 soulshards 2) if pet dies wont resummon it and stops dealing damage 3) does nt use racials nor trinekts
Felguard resummon now implemented. Rotation has been fixed. Also: Demo Artifact usage has been optimized. I'm not going to bother adding racials or trinkets..
pulled 1.2m on Xavius trash with this. 865 demo. using raidbot, switching to enyo to see if it changes anything.
Hi There, any idea why it's not using TKŠ”? All other cooldowns are used properly, but not casting TKC on its own. Much appreciated. Thanks. PS Does it have anything to do with below line in Rotation/Combat.cs //Thal'kiels Consumption if=(dreadstalker_remaining_duration>execute_time|talent.implosion.enabled&spell_targets.implosion>=3)&wild_imp_count>3&wild_imp_remaining_duration>execute_time if (await S.Cast(SB.thalkielsConsumption, U.useArtifact && U.isUnitValid(currentTarget, 43))) return true;
will give this a try for mythic NE tomorrow, will write here how well it performs in High Progress with 879ilvl^^ so, if there is a problem with TKC, clear it until tomorrow, like one post over mine is said xD
Yes, I've clicked alt+e. It start to use summon infernals spells etc, but not the TKC. Did I miss anything? Thanks.
SO, erm, any reply or ideas what's wrong with my case? The only guess I have is that i'm playing on Russian language, so it might be the reason. Thanks.
Is this being updated? Would really love a better version of this.. (meaning choosing talents etc.) It does great
Just another heads up lol, this script is really good. Would be awesome if it was worked on some more