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  • Important Change for Honorbuddy, Demonbuddy and HearthBuddy Lifetime Users

    Discussion in 'Announcements' started by bossland, Jan 17, 2017.

    1. bossland

      bossland Administrator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Greetings Buddies,

      For our long term plans, it is inevitable to do the following changes effective
      immediately (tomorrow - 18 January 2017).

      We are changing all existing Demonbuddy and Honorbuddy Lifetime licenses to
      expire after 2 years of usage.

      Over the last couple of months, we have been weighed down by legal expenses and
      by low sales. The effect is simply that we are not generating enough cash to
      cover its costs right now. The decision to change the lifetime keys to 2 year
      keys is a very difficult decision, but right now it is the time to move forward
      with it. The alternative is to stop altogether and our plans for the future
      are not over yet.

      Hearthbuddy - Lifetimes that have been sold between 11 October 2013 and 27 September 2016
      will expire between 10 October 2015 and 26 September 2018 (bonus days not included).

      Demonbuddy - Lifetimes that have been sold between 11 June 2012 and 6 June 2016
      will expire between 10 June 2014 and 5 June 2018 (bonus days not included).

      Honorbuddy - Lifetimes that have been sold between the year 2009 and
      4 June 2016, will expire latest on 3 June 2018 (bonus days not included).

      While we continue to develop Honorbuddy and Demonbuddy and continue fighting
      legal battles in 3 countries, our infrastructure is being used by our beloved
      Buddies since 2009 for as low as a 25 EUR one time purchase since then.

      Costs are increasing, development is expensive and was made more expensive
      since the 12 lawsuits in Germany, where Blizzard tries to abuse anything they
      can get hands on, by starting multiple lawsuits on yearly basis.

      Adding this all up, you can see our income is limited to old one time
      purchases, and while it was a good business decision back in 2009, it has
      stopped being viable for us since 2014. The decision however, to move forward,
      was taken now, in 2017.

      We regret, if you think that this might be unfair to you, the users. But a
      business only can carry on as long as the business can afford paying its daily
      costs, and a big amount of that daily costs are actually the infrastructure,
      the development and the legal expenses.

      And on the subject of legal expenses, I am happy to announce, that the Federal
      Court of Justice of Germany has decided on 11th Janury this year, that WOW can
      be (performing acts necessary to observe, study or test the functioning of the
      program, provided that these acts do not infringe the copyright in that
      program) reverse engineered, as long as it is just for the program code and as
      long no audio-visual elements are shown while analyzing the code. As the
      audio-visual elements are not part of a computer program but part of the
      computer game and are copyright protected elements without a exclusion of

      This however is just the beginning, more cases are waiting at the Federal Court
      of Justice of Germany and the High Court of England and Wales.

      Now as final words, we hope you stay with us and contribute again to our work,
      if you think that it is unfair you can always contact us on
      support@thebuddyforum.com and share your perspective.

      For the very few users that probably would want bulk sessions, meaning 10 or
      more sessions to be paid at once, you can also contact us via email, we will
      try to answer every email asap.

      Wish you all the health and prosperity for 2017.

      The Buddy Team Bossland & Hawker

      ps. To all asking about their software, the latest version of Honorbuddy v2, pre Legion, can be found here: http://updates.buddyauth.com/GetSpecific?filter=Honorbuddy&build=844

      It does not support WOW Legion, but it still can be used on an Server with the pre Legion build, that it supports.
      Tempritscher and Obvioka like this.
    2. Hawker

      Hawker Well-Known Member Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Lifetime purchased June 1 2016: will expire June 1 2018
      Lifetime purchased June 1 2010: will expire tomorrow
      Lifetime purchased 20 January 2015: will expire in 3 days

      I hope these help clarify questions of when the Lifetime keys converted to 2 year keys expire.
    3. bossland

      bossland Administrator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Update to the actual heated discussion,

      Keys are always running off their time, once they where first used.

      1) So if you had a Key from March 2014, but you never used it until March 2015, we would count your key as "purchased" in March 2015

      2) Merged Keys can be Unmerged, it makes sense when they still have time to run, just write the support at support@thebuddyforum.com
    4. bossland

      bossland Administrator

      Jan 15, 2010
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    5. bossland

      bossland Administrator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The queue of unsolved emails is still increasing, we are now at around 12 hours, that some of the users have to wait to get a reply.

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