Combat routine - OldRoutine and Ouriboros Used skills - cyclone and flicker problem: character move to target and being stuck (stay), do nothing, only use flasks-> logout. sometimes chatacter is weakup and continue action,sometimes no system log looks like this: You need to register and have one post to see spoilers! It happens all the time of target is minitotem in a Kaom Dream or Voll (very cmall and very big tearget?) Settings of OldRoutine: You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!
same here, "[InjectKeyEvent] 214 ms sleep for 81." this shit is what's doing it I assume, was fine before I was in an area where it does this. "(
a minute ago have a fun character use a stronbox>freezed>use a antifreeze botlle>...... stay N sec a use a heal flask>chicken no one attakc or action.. JUST STAY AND HEAL! WTF? again in Kaom Dream again cyclone is a priority melee attack HOW TO FIX THIS? You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!