I'm sorry, I guess I am not that computer literate. I thought I was able to download everything, but failed =(. I am looking for someone to help me step by step through email, text or whatever is possible, all I am trying to do is bot in BG's. Thats the only thing I have been wanting to do. Thanks p.s email is schmocken327@yahoo.com Address it to Lauren please, and once I can set up, I will help you as well =)
He says this because there are just so many people, and many have gotten smart to the fact the people bot them, and as such are looking for those who follow the same path, and just look out of the ordinary. Its not a guaranteed ban, but the chances of it in BGs are a lot higher.
You're lucky, bot behavior in BG's is obvious... I'm not saying don't bot there, but just be aware that the risk is higher. However- if your feeling froggy, leap!
Maybe in smaller BGs but to get the most exp / honor you should do only AV.. wich I did and was not banned yet...
It seems to vary. I've been botting with my resto shaman in AB/WSG (going for the rep achievements), and it seems mostly normal. A little reluctant to mount, it sometimes does a little twirl before jumping down from the GY in WSG, and the BG bot changes hotspots at unfortunate times, but mostly normal. And tends to top or be close to the top of the healing chart. It basically looks like a player used to PvE is doing the BGs. But I tried my feral druid, and it's pretty bad. He likes circling around his opponents and barely getting any attacks off. And the other problem with smaller BGs is the risk of somebody expecting an answer if they ask you something. That said, I'd let a bigger BG like AV go unattended, since people mostly look for 0 damage & healing or standing still to report. But I like to be at the computer for a 10 or 15 man, at least for now. The beta BG Bot is getting pretty close though, if it gets the ability to run the flag in WSG/EotS, it'd be golden.