I dont have flying unlocked on my bots yet was curious if its been implemented, can you fly and gather ? or questing ? Anyone know thanks.
yes but it's weird, won't always land so quests where you pick stuff up off the ground tend to bug out
As usual, the flying would need a bit testing before being officially "supported" by both Core profiles and Buddy Store products, as well. While most ComDevs have already flying characters, it takes time to debug all the issues in the Legion content and apply fixes to them.
if you have flying why are you questing ? well guess WQ for legendary's and mounts. using flying on gathering... i had to adjust a few Hot spots and add a few blacklisted herbs. now my Starlight, Foxflower, and Aethrill work great. i am getting almost 20% more starlight and foxflower and 30% more aethrill per hour. i have not tried Fajarnskaggl or Dreamleaf yet