Hello all, Is there any pattern to ban waves in terms of timing and predictability? I know Blizzard does them at random to keep us guessing, but I'm wondering if there's a way to plan for when the next one might happen. (I know the last one was in Feb, so it seems we may be due for another soon.) Thanks in advance.
LOL bro sorry but this is pathetic LOL just let it be , if you get ban , fuck it, 50$ and get new account. ban its part of the game , like gambling, you may win and may lose, doesn't exist 100% win please do not get offended by my reply ,I didnt mean to do that cheers
if you do not want someone to be offended maybe respond nicer. Now op. There really is no way to predict. Maybe one soon due to latest round of accounts coming off 6 month bans in like 2-3 weeks.
yes I'm sorry, you right, I should be more nice for your questions yes usually after a big patch bliz release the raid only after few weeks, then the ban waves arrives, U can get more info on the ban section( I do follow that one daily xD) cheers and good luck
Before the 2 banwaves in a row in November 2016 there was a pattern of 6months between the waves. First banwave happened in May 2015, then again in December 2015, May 2016 and then November 2016. In November 2016 there was 2 banwaves with 10 days between which changed the pattern. But you might have seen that Blizzard did Black Friday sales right after the 2nd ban so it could have seem like a business plan for them to earn a little extra money.
Its false hope to be thinking you can avoid the banwave, they dont ban only the accounts that are online at the time. When you are detected you are flagged, the detection could be just once but its very likely not just once. If blizzard do a banwave and you start an account 2 days later and start botting you are very likely detected straight away. But if they run daily or weekly banwaves, its going to be small numbers of people each time. Its less impressive, people can write it off as being from reports, it doesnt have the shock and awe factor and they cant blog about it to the non-bot players to tell them how they are protecting them. Also if you get banned and you buy another account, expansions etc and then loose that a week later, do the same a couple of times and are just hitting a continual wall of bans you will stop, if on the other hand you get to think you are getting away with it for several months and you just had bad luck getting caught you will keep buying those games, expansions and subs so they get to milk you for more money than you would have paid in just subs alone There are other things that likely come into play too, as a publicly traded company they have to realise quarterly updates. If the anti hacking team want to do a banwave I could quite imagine that someone in management will have asked them to hold off, do it a few weeks before the update so that the banned accounts will still be included in the 'active players' totals while the rush of people rebuying accounts will also prop up the 'new subscribers' numbers. Same for a new major patch, those 'new subscribers' mean they can say hey look everyone people are signing up for our new awesome content to temp others to sign up, this is why they will also do discount subs periodically as it helps them massage the subscriber numbers given that HB numbers are likely waaay down now it probably doesnt have quite as much of difference but with a bit of thought you can absolutely see why they would still continue with waves even if their detection is always on, and detection isnt just about HB
Strange Zee I have never experienced that personally. I have gotten banned but no subsequent account was banned except if I am caught in banwave like everyone else. And I am from a small pot so to speak so would not be hard to say figure out who I am.....interesting
Demon, that is also what I have experienced. Getting caught in the ban waves gets any account I have attached the bot to suspended, but as long as I haven't attached it (even if on the same battlenet), there is no suspension. Mostly just wanted to hear what you guys have experienced in terms of bans, if you think Blizzard is following some kind of pattern or if it is totally random.