Code: [21:23:00.382 D] Targeting Aermswys the Stained 0x40003616 0x165AA550 [21:23:00.398 D] Requesting path on 138 from <-389.2265, -38.86021, -240.7261> to <-412.8633, -28.38701, -238.5139> [21:23:00.440 D] Generated path to <-412.8633, -28.38701, -238.5139> in 00:00:00.0410687 ms
ZoneName: Coerthas Central Highlands ZoneId: 155 Client: Global Code: [05:41:19.935 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-452.7792, 211, -267.8947> to <-452.8924, 211.4575, -292.746> Some visuals: Not properly navigating through the doorway (to the left of the stairs) at this location: The path it takes when trying to navigate to the NPC behind the doors: (1) XYZ: -453.4449, 211, -280.8012 (2) XYZ: -453.4086, 211.4575, -283.6312 Where it ends up upon running the profile:
ZoneName: Coerthas Central Highlands ZoneId: 155 Client: Global Code: [06:01:22.572 D] Requesting path on 155 from <-437.7529, 211, -265.3255> to <-414.4503, 211.4575, -294.4839> Some visuals: Not properly navigating through the doorway (to the right of the stairs) at this location: The path it takes when trying to navigate to the NPC behind the doors: (1) XYZ: -415.47, 210.9988, -281.0652 (2) XYZ: -415.4426, 211.4575, -284.0024 Where it ends up upon running the profile:
Looks like this nav issue is still a thing. D'oh! >_< Doing some crazy running back and forth in Urth's Fount (in the area below). Can't dig up the old PM with the info I sent previously.
ZoneName: Mor Dhona ZoneId: 156 Client: Global Code: [05:37:03.942 D] Requesting path on 156 from <-449.8505, -3.433024, -188.2838> to <-443.8716, -3.216816, -183.8873> Some visuals: Not properly navigating over the railway at this location: The path it takes when trying to navigate to the "safe spot" near the zone transition: Where it ends up upon running the profile (it goes through the zone transition line, then results in a "No viable path" error as it is now in a different zone):
im stuck it just runs forth and back and is trying to find a path it seems like. im lvl 13 atm and followed the guide hope theres an easy solution, if im missing somthing im sorry im kinda new to this and here
You're using a very outdated profile, so it's likely not a navigation issue. Try the questing profiles found in the SVN in my signature.
This guy still appears to be an issue: <ClimbHill> is being used for now. (1) XYZ: -147.3813, 56.5485, 601.304 (2) XYZ: -145.9675, 60.04568, 598.5966
I've a problem while running an order bot profile, it says "[20:39:11.416 N] [GetTo] Couldn't get a path to <-43.83308, 43.99126, -133.257> on 128, Stopping." Any solutions?
I keep getting this whenever I start the bot recently. [01:40:12.841 V] [NavGraph] Failure to find a path from <15.29816, 16.05366, -1.57052> 419 to <-626.617, -122.5, 539.8152> on 401 [01:40:12.841 N] [GetTo] Couldn't get a path to <-626.617, -122.5, 539.8152> on 401, Stopping. [01:40:12.842 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:[GetTo] Couldn't get a path to <-626.617, -122.5, 539.8152> on 401, Stopping. [01:40:12.842 D] CurrentBot.Stop() [01:40:12.850 N] Connection closed! What do?
Likewise; [23:01:45.885 V] [NavGraph] LocalResults [23:01:45.885 V] [NavGraph] 2370175 | <226.612, 52.03812, 134.621> ==> <471.6793, 95.68383, 159.6207> | CanNav:True PathLength:260.524 [23:01:45.885 V] [NavGraph] 2376982 | <226.612, 52.03812, 134.621> ==> <264.9547, 53.96793, -7.725255> | CanNav:True PathLength:162.7569 [23:01:45.885 V] [NavGraph] 4389281 | <226.612, 52.03812, 134.621> ==> <316.6546, 67.16294, 236.3458> | CanNav:True PathLength:164.947 [23:01:46.259 V] [NavGraph] RemoteResults [23:01:46.259 V] [NavGraph] 2065966 | <380.3618, -3.184525, -181.4928> ==> <-114.9463, -39.70216, 335.4695> | CanNav:False PathLength:0 [23:01:46.259 V] [NavGraph] 2133607 | <128.9397, 24.95331, -305.2009> ==> <-114.9463, -39.70216, 335.4695> | CanNav:False PathLength:0 [23:01:46.259 V] [NavGraph] 2155407 | <159.1651, -23.88983, 534.4641> ==> <-114.9463, -39.70216, 335.4695> | CanNav:False PathLength:0 [23:01:46.259 V] [NavGraph] 3724286 | <-500.4835, 72.71655, -333.0363> ==> <-114.9463, -39.70216, 335.4695> | CanNav:False PathLength:0 [23:01:46.259 V] [NavGraph] 5003 | <16.59921, 0.5939448, 39.42815> ==> <-114.9463, -39.70216, 335.4695> | CanNav:False PathLength:0 [23:01:46.259 V] [NavGraph] 31 | <128.6798, 25.62471, -302.2365> ==> <-114.9463, -39.70216, 335.4695> | CanNav:False PathLength:0 [23:01:46.259 V] [NavGraph] 54 | <-304.1906, 63.44862, -279.0479> ==> <-114.9463, -39.70216, 335.4695> | CanNav:False PathLength:0 [23:01:46.261 V] [NavGraph] Failure to find a path from <226.612, 52.03812, 134.621> 140 to <-114.9463, -39.70216, 335.4695> on 148 [23:01:46.261 N] [GetTo] Couldn't get a path to <-114.9463, -39.70216, 335.4695> on 148, Stopping. [23:01:46.261 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:[GetTo] Couldn't get a path to <-114.9463, -39.70216, 335.4695> on 148, Stopping.
Hey guys, have a HUGE problem. Just got back into FFXIV and booted up reborn buddy fresh install. Did the SVN and everything..and then downloaded y2crazy's heavensward profile. Long story short: getting this error. [07:37:20.998 N] [Heavensward] Skipping the Let the Clan Hunt Begin quest until I add the old quests in this profile... [07:37:21.058 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to LogMessageTag: IsDone: False, Message: [Heavensward] Checking level 54 quests..., HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 8419, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: null, . [07:37:21.058 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] df489a4e-0385-43d0-b027-953c5b458285 [07:37:21.059 N] [Heavensward] Checking level 54 quests... [07:37:21.165 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to GetTo: XYZ: <-575.8106, 48.80803, 319.44>, ZoneId: 400, IsDone: False, HighPriority: True, LineNumber: 9491, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: null, . [07:37:21.165 D] Removed all hooks from [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] [07:37:21.165 D] Replaced hook [HighPriorityProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] d9f48b6f-54ae-44f8-84f9-9cf5b651907a [07:37:21.278 V] [NavGraph] LocalResults [07:37:21.278 V] [NavGraph] 5866171 | <-55.63488, 8.113304, 48.92591> ==> <-188.7119, 14.78094, -58.3877> | CanNav:True PathLength:205.385 [07:37:21.278 V] [NavGraph] 5866239 | <-55.63488, 8.113304, 48.92591> ==> <-153.6506, 31.2521, -142.5388> | CanNav:True PathLength:227.3492 [07:37:21.278 V] [NavGraph] 5866243 | <-55.63488, 8.113304, 48.92591> ==> <-57.21729, 20.77625, -97.48738> | CanNav:True PathLength:148.9234 [07:37:21.278 V] [NavGraph] 5866255 | <-55.63488, 8.113304, 48.92591> ==> <156.2872, -19.95889, 54.68155> | CanNav:True PathLength:244.6869 [07:37:21.278 V] [NavGraph] 5866260 | <-55.63488, 8.113304, 48.92591> ==> <53.021, 29.92871, -81.33281> | CanNav:True PathLength:180.332 [07:37:21.278 V] [NavGraph] 70 | <-55.63488, 8.113304, 48.92591> ==> <-60.45592, 11.17874, 47.49885> | CanNav:True PathLength:4.420571 [07:37:21.278 V] [NavGraph] 80 | <-55.63488, 8.113304, 48.92591> ==> <45.8162, 24.57011, 1.003245> | CanNav:True PathLength:134.6351 [07:37:21.278 V] [NavGraph] 81 | <-55.63488, 8.113304, 48.92591> ==> <-111.4158, 16.15517, -27.05248> | CanNav:True PathLength:112.3258 [07:37:21.278 V] [NavGraph] 82 | <-55.63488, 8.113304, 48.92591> ==> <49.43034, -11.14312, 66.71724> | CanNav:True PathLength:131.018 [07:37:21.409 V] [NavGraph] RemoteResults [07:37:21.409 V] [NavGraph] 5078 | <262.7133, -37.70464, 600.3737> ==> <-575.8106, 48.80803, 319.44> | CanNav:False PathLength:0 [07:37:21.409 V] [NavGraph] 5079 | <-581.437, 52.87199, 316.9444> ==> <-575.8106, 48.80803, 319.44> | CanNav:True PathLength:7.375652 [07:37:21.410 V] [NavGraph] Failure to find a path from <-55.63488, 8.113304, 48.92591> 418 to <-575.8106, 48.80803, 319.44> on 400 [07:37:21.410 N] [GetTo] Couldn't get a path to <-575.8106, 48.80803, 319.44> on 400, Stopping. [07:37:21.410 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:[GetTo] Couldn't get a path to <-575.8106, 48.80803, 319.44> on 400, Stopping. [07:37:21.410 D] CurrentBot.Stop() [07:37:21.410 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll() [07:37:21.410 N] Clearing all hooks. [07:37:21.410 D] Added new hook [TreeStart] 82af1056-2c43-4aec-b592-c6a0e3da646f [07:37:21.410 D] Added new hook [PoiAction] 656f707e-1442-4ad2-96ab-4b7767c16361 [07:37:21.410 D] Replaced hook [PreCombatBuff] 0eaa626d-023c-4feb-a2fb-9d81e657700e [07:37:21.410 D] Replaced hook [Heal] 46c94643-97ca-4efb-93c7-98a6a83f3017 [07:37:21.410 D] Replaced hook [Pull] 01f414af-55ea-4fc5-aed0-16dc46435f32 [07:37:21.410 D] Replaced hook [CombatBuff] 98bbec78-6416-4e0c-b8c1-d09853b6d036 [07:37:21.410 D] Replaced hook [Combat] f39aa53b-0f0c-4e5f-82fb-eae165500a9e [07:37:21.410 D] Replaced hook [Rest] 09f7f23d-5693-44a3-b64e-e397dd14d17d [07:37:21.410 D] Added new hook [PreCombatLogic] 15a50f8a-dd91-4e49-bc93-2124bbfbea4b [07:37:21.410 N] [Zekken] Avoidance hooked. [07:37:21.410 D] Navigator.Clear() [07:37:21.526 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped [07:37:21.526 D] OnStop event [07:37:21.526 D] OnStop Event Invoking [07:37:21.527 N] [EnableFlight] Stopped Flight Navigator. [07:37:21.527 V] [FlightNav] Putting original Navigator back! [07:37:21.527 N] [EnableFlight] Disposing the GaiaNavigator [07:37:21.528 N] Connection closed! [07:37:21.528 N] Bot Thread Ended.
Using y2krazy's questing profile and this error came about: [06:33:09.707 N] Requesting path on 130 from <-168.7497, 18, 75.15237> to <131.9447, 4.714966, -29.8009> within 7 (Going to learn Sapphire Avenue Exchange) [06:33:09.800 N] Received path response to <131.9447, 4.714966, -29.8009> in 00:00:00.0930494 ms [06:33:18.755 N] Stopping the bot. Reasonushed the stop button.
ZoneName: Gyr Abania ZoneId: 620 Client: Global Code: [08:29:07.251 N] Requesting path on 620 from <529.0192, 220.8684, -686.6669> to <563.8055, 227.161, -747.3106> within 5 () Some visuals: Not properly navigating up the ramp at this location: (1) XYZ: 533.6927, 220.8684, -694.1716 (2) XYZ: 535.2829, 221.8772, -696.8899 (3) XYZ: 545.221, 227.5315, -714.349 (4) XYZ: 546.3733, 227.1687, -716.3098