Well, I'm debating buying GB lifetime to make gold on my main just so I have money to blow and feel rich 24/7, now i currently have HB so there is a GB2 setting, is that any good to use or should I get GatherBuddy itself, and if i were to bot mining/herb 8 hour per day how much money do you think I would make, just in selling raw mats, and anything else you may want to say is useful, because if gatherbuddy2 in honorbuddy is just sgather (thats what I heard) i may use that. Thanks guys and have a good one.
So I can use honorbuddy's gatherbuddy 2 to farm for gold? Sick i'll just spend the 5 usd or w/e for flying and do you think in 8 hours i'd be able to farm like 8-10k? US - Tichondrius if that matters at all, thanks!
I would buy lifetime since GB2 and flying is free for lifetimer's also GB1 is free aswell, making 5-10k gold in 8 hour's is all server dependant and if the mats you farm are fast mover's (people buy alot)
For some reason the prepaid card I used to buy HB is not going through on buying flying for a month its being denied, is the payment way different, (The card i use cant be payed out of the US, but it worked to buy the actual bot, but not flying.... any ideas?)