Im just curious If I never bot with my main account but use the same computer to run my botting account what are the chances that my main account will get banned along with my bot if I'm caught? Not looking for any promises just the chances if you may? Thanks
^ Yeah there is no answer to this one. Though, some people have said they got their main acc banned this way too but I'm not sure if they used the bot on their main account too...
If you're gonna risk botting on the same comp anyways, might as well bot both of them. Just remember to add the time you played and the time you are going to bot, don't wanna be online too much.
ive never had that problem, but then again, i havent been in any banwaves or anything like that, i can say though, i have logged onto my friends account once, since hes the GM for my GB (figured having it on a legit toon will help since im small potatoes) and hes never had any problems. nor any of my RL Friends who i do things with in game and farm for. if you are, just make sure GB or HB Is NOT Running at the same time, and you should be fine, in theory anyway. just do things like restart the wow client and between switching accounts, to make sure any chances that could of been made by having honorbuddy hooked to it, get reset.