Val'shara Dreamleaf Auto rank 1>3 + Mining Auto rank Thank for Roman91. i used your run. "[H] & [A] - This profile farm [mine - Herb 700+] at Val'sharah." Support alliance and horder Update v1.1 Fix: can run without Gathere.cs Add: full quest dreamleaf rank 1>3 Add: Support 95% quest Leystone 1>2, Felslate 1>2. but you need do quest: Nal'ryssa's Sisters " Dungeon quest". My profile use Questing bot Auto train herb, mine Auto enchant glove with: Legion herb Auto enchant shoulder with: Harvester Auto rank 1>3 Dream leaf 100% afk Auto rank 1>2 with mine. but you need do quest: Nal'ryssa's Sisters " Dungeon quest" And have Fun! "No profile support for rank 1>3 dreamleaf. No profile suppurt for rank Leystone + Felslate "Before.
You chineese piece of sh*t. You even managed to rename plugin from sanyaherbhelper to vominhelper....
Yep this is my failure. But i will update profile without gatherer.cs But why do you say a lot of this thing?. I buy all profile and i make an orther profile . i share my profile not of you friend.