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  • [H - Quest] 10-60 Kalimdor (LowHangingFruit AFK)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by benkoren, Feb 22, 2011.

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    1. benkoren

      benkoren New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      That cave sucks, I know. The reason it sucks is because the underground portion of the cave actually loops around under the ground-level terrain. When HB's pull distance is set to something like 30 (which is completely reasonable), when it comes out of the cave after clearing it and is working on the ground level mobs, the cave mobs respawn and HB says "kill kill kill!" and goes back into the cave. There are quite a few hotspots outside of the cave, but the bot doesn't get to them often. TL;DR: Don't worry, I will redo that grind zone from scratch again for the next release. I drank a bit too much coffee this afternoon so it'll probably get updated tonight ;) [edit: fixed in 1.4.0]

      Regarding the run to Silithus, yeah it sucks. One of the main problems is that HB's NoCombatMoveTo quest behavior isn't designed to travel from the north tip of a continent to the south tip. I watched a little bit of this run the other night and it was really a run - HB didn't want the char to mount up for some reason. [edit: if anyone has specific trouble spots on the road to Silithus, please post them here. I'd prefer to reroute the path than scrap the whole zone, though scrapping it is an option] TL;DR: The hamster wheel in my head is still figuring out the most stable solution to this. Maybe go to Blasted Lands instead, we'll see.

      OH, awesome news, I talked to Hawker today and my update to the core InteractWith behavior is going to be published in the next HB release, so the quest Barrier to Entry in Stonetalon Mountains will super-super-officially work.

      I appreciate all the feedback guys, the profile has come a long way thanks to everyone. Soon all of us will be able to wake up to something other than "You have been disconnected from the server" :)
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
      atg68 likes this.
    2. atg68

      atg68 New Member

      Oct 19, 2010
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      really really appreciate all the work you've put in.. this is one of the better profiles available right now.. even with that pesky cave lol
    3. mrtrailmix

      mrtrailmix New Member

      Dec 19, 2010
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      ya i appreciate the great work man great profile one of the few least buggy profiles out!
    4. Harmony

      Harmony New Member

      Nov 24, 2010
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      Just hit level 49, and started the <!--BEGIN WINTERSPRING QUESTING--> area.

      The following quest has me running around to the hotspots not killing these specific mobs, but drawing aggro.

      <Objective QuestName="Threat of the Winterfall" QuestId="28460" Type="KillMob" MobId="48586" KillCount="15" />

      no troubles to that point with killing mobs now the Winterspring quests to that point. Any suggestions?
    5. benkoren

      benkoren New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      The problem is that it's using hotspots from HB's internal db - the fix is easy, it just needs a quest override. It'll be fixed in the version I release later tonight. [edit: fixed in 1.4.0]
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
    6. smokys

      smokys New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="25999" ObjectType="GameObject" MobId="203413" NumOfTimes="100" CollectionDistance="100" X="1697.236" Y="-425.2683" Z="93.33908" />

      Here he can not loot the objekt. the objekt has a higher loot time.
    7. smokys

      smokys New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      <PickUp QuestName="King of Centaur Mountain" QuestId="13995" GiverName="Gorgal Angerscar" GiverId="34634" />
      <If Condition="HasQuest(13995) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(13995)">
      <CustomBehavior File="Escort" QuestId="13995" NpcId="34634" X="-1176.123" Y="-2955.002" Z="93.39651" />

      The bot never take the Quest it stand for the quest giver. Have to manualy take quest.

      This Quest not complete in the first try second time it complete.

      @lvl 13
      Honorbuddy hangs in a cave "could not generate path" ( i have to jump down the climb in the cave then it can generete path) in a quest don't know wich quest it was. with 2 Chars same prob.
      Last edited: Feb 25, 2011
    8. NizaJakub2

      NizaJakub2 New Member

      Feb 24, 2010
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      Starting the bot!
      Changing current profile to Horde 10-60 LowHangingFruit by Ben
      Pull Max Distance set to 5
      Pull Min Distance set to 3
      Exception thrown in CustomBehavior object for tag:
      <CustomBehavior File="InteractWithObject" QuestId="8304" MobId="15170" NumOfTimes="1" CollectionDistance="5" ObjectType="Npc" X="-8013.063" Y="1099.647" Z="4.636419" />
      make sure the tag has all required attributes and try again.
      Couldn't find file for UserDefinedQuestBehavior.
      Honorbuddy stopped

      @lvl 57 in Silithus
    9. atg68

      atg68 New Member

      Oct 19, 2010
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    10. benkoren

      benkoren New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Read the "Known Issues" section on the front page.

      For King of Centaur Mountain, did your char die during the original escort and fail the quest, or did he never pick it up at all? Please post your log for Ashes to Ashes. Regarding "Could not generate path", this is an HB nav issue, please post your log and screenshots here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...tion-mesh-errors-problems-post-them-here.html

      I'm going to be stripping out Silithus completely in a future release, likely later this weekend, so this will go away then.

      This is my fault - when I wrote that portion of the profile I had a +5% exp boost so I didn't catch this. I'll insert a grind to fix this in the next release. That was the very first quest in the Winterspring portion of the profile that you had that problem, correct? What is your exp boost percentage when you ran Winterspring?

      Thanks for all the reports guys, these are very helpful for cleaning up the bugs.
      Last edited: Feb 25, 2011
    11. smokys

      smokys New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      He has never pickup the start quest.
    12. atg68

      atg68 New Member

      Oct 19, 2010
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      ya, other than that one quest, winterspring ran fine.. i'm 1 quest short of the achiev for winterspring tho... you should try to find 1 more quest to put in there lol.. i have 0 xp bonus on this char.

      edit: i was literally like 7 or 8 kills from level 53.. so it might just have been luck (bad) that I didnt kill a few extra mobs in all the running around..
      Last edited: Feb 25, 2011
    13. r00t

      r00t New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      Hey Ben,

      Been traveling for work so hadn't had a chance to do any serious botting. When I got back though I noticed that the following quest is not working in Dustwallow Marsh: Questioning Reethe. You are supposed to follow the Ogre to his camp but the bot just stood there without following and failed the quest.
    14. benkoren

      benkoren New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      This should be working as of the latest version of the profile - are you running 1.4.2?
    15. r00t

      r00t New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      Ahhh you're sneaky. No I wasn't at the latest version. Are you going through and manually checking these? I didn't see any post about this in this thread so I assumed you didn't know about this one yet. Thanks for the update.

      BTW, are you planning to do anything to get bots over to EPL or across continents? I know you wanna steer clear of any custom behaviors, but you could probably use Tuba's custom behavior safely as follows:

      <CustomBehavior File="BasicInteractWith" QuestId="0" NpcID="44919" MoveTo="1" />

      <!--Zeppelin to Tirisfal Glades-->
      <CustomBehavior File="UseTransport" Entry="1839.07,-4390.126,135.2322"

      This of course uses "UseTransport.cs" which was included in Tuba's profile.

      Since for your profile you will likely be hearthed in Crossroads, once you hit 40 you should hearth to repair/train and then this custom behavior should fly you to Org and get you right on to the zeppelin to Tirisfal Glades.
    16. benkoren

      benkoren New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Yep, I'm almost constantly running characters through the profile to test it. Until it's a "click to 60" profile I'll continue to do this to ensure I catch as many bugs as possible.

      Hehe, sneaky sneaky, it's true.

      The problem I have with using UseTransport for this profile is that it doesn't come bundled with HB, which means it's not stable in the eye of the HB devs. There are lots of other profiles out there that use 3rd party CBs, and they are fantastic and a very important part of the development process.

      However, the reason I made this profile is that there was no horde profile that demonstrated what HB can do - most profiles out there right now are exhibiting with what HB is going to be able to do someday. While I do love to tinker with new code, I feel like I'd be doing a disservice to the part of the community that's simply looking to get their character leveled and not have to submit bug reports.

      Given that out-of-the-box HB does not support transports (EPL) nor underwater navigation (Thousand Needles), I think this profile offers the best functionality possible within those constraints. So alas, I'm going to hold out on including transportation to Tirisfall Glades. Rest assured, the very day the HB devs include transport support in a release, this profile will have it.

      - Ben

      Edit: Just to reiterate - both development and stable branches for profiles are extremely important. If someone already had a very stable branch and nobody was working on a development branch, that's what I would have started. If there was already both, I would not create a new profile but simply assist the ones already in existence. If we have a dozen separate profile writers all biting off more than one person can chew, progression will be extremely slow. I believe that if all profile writers adopt this very high-level methodology (2-branch), we as a community will produce an extremely successful questing bot.
      Last edited: Feb 25, 2011
    17. janne123

      janne123 New Member

      Feb 23, 2011
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      in EPL, bot tries to find Urtharo (org vendor) to repair and naturally doesn't find the path, tried restarting and turning on (Autofind vendors) but didn't work still looking for Urtharo, happened before on some level 30 zone too. just woke up might post log later. would also like to take this opportunity to thank for an amazing profile, thanks!

      edit; shit i forgot, there was also some 20-25 quest in ashenvale i believe that needed to be done manually, you had to disarm land mines or something the problem was the bot thought it took 3,5 seconds to disarm but infact it was 5 seconds, so it started the disarming then aborted and ran for the next mine, sorry dont remember the name and dont have log. :/
      Last edited: Feb 25, 2011
    18. r00t

      r00t New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      Yea, I ripped out anything remotely related to Org from this profile. He really should be taken out altogether since he's not likely to ever be used anyway.
    19. janne123

      janne123 New Member

      Feb 23, 2011
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      How'd you do that if I may ask? Just started my *****ing business :), lol CHIITING, what's with the "*"?

      He also tried finding a Brill vendor when I was on Kalimdor continent, same thing in reverse.
    20. r00t

      r00t New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      Open up the profile in notepad or another editor. Search for <!-- VENDORS -->

      Remove the line that contains the vendor that's causing problems.

      The whole line looks like: <Vendor Name="Wuark" Entry="3167" Type="Repair" X="358.1284" Y="-4706.727" Z="14.39388" />

      I would also search for <!-- TRAINERS --> and remove all Org trainers. They are not necessary for this profile.

      The problem is of course due to cross-continent issues with HB. Ben talked about it earlier in this thread.

      Once you've fixed everything reload the profile in HB and you should be good to go.
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