Ty for getting back to me that quickly that settings is very usfull for when im leveling on my other toon, the bot stops at random times and now i wont have to worry about it.
You mean for gathering? No, I am focussing on developing this plugin. For testing ranks I am using a very basic profile going around Broken Isles though.
mh66 I have also found another bug using plugin. There are 2 quests, one in stormheim http://www.wowhead.com/quest=40078/a-heavy-burden and another one in highmountain http://www.wowhead.com/quest=39440/you-lift-brul The problem is, in this quests your character move speed is limited, like 10% of the original. And i think the "logic" of unstuck? kick in and think we are stuck or something and then he is trying to move around (not going to finish up quest) for a min and after all of the basic unstuck mechanics he is using TP to dalaran (if set) while still carrying quest items And of course the bot is stuck forever in there, he will bash his head against wall and attract ppl to report him ^^ I don't have logs, since i was leveling my toons about 3 days ago, sadly.. And btw, any ETA on new version with better logic for withered hungerer? I can test it with my toons if you want. Anyway thanks for good work
Thank you for the report. I will adjust stuck detection while doing those quests. I wanted to implement/rework more before releasing but I think i will release it within next few hours.
v3.1.88 ꙰ Bug fixed - When disabling flying on Broken Isles, HB was not able to fly while being dead - At times char jumped when he actually could fell off mesh - Rank quests henceforth protected from being abandonned when quest log is almost full - Toon should now successfully kill and loot/gather node npcs (like Wihered Hungerer) - Reworked item and quest npc ids for ranks - Whenever spawn npcs spawn (leystone and felslate rank 3) any other action gets prevented and/or stopped - Rankhelper couldn't be loaded while not using Questing Bot - Nodes couldn't be gathered beyond skill max - Toon gathered mining nodes although only "Herbalism" was selected and vice versa - KoM couldn't resurrect char at Spirit Healer - A WoW frame bug caused plugin to loop after getting new mails - KoM didn't detect opening of certain quest frames - While doing quest "Hatchlings of the Talon" (Id: 41094) unstucking routine interfered with quest logic - Gathering node routine is triggered although char has just revived and is low in health ꙰ Functionality added - Added one more quest npc location for rank quests - Added leystone - rank 2 - Added felslate - rank 2 - Added aethril - rank 2 - Added dreamleaf - rank 2 - Added fjarnskaggl - rank 2 - Added starlight rose - rank 2 - Using artifact power items - Protecting artifact relics from being vendored - Added more node npcs for ensuring being killed and looted/gathered (e.g. Leystone Basilisk, Nightmare Creeper, etc) - KoM will henceforth take being in Travel Form into consideration while gathering herbs - Handling nodes can henceforth be set to "Disabled" (so neither bot base nor plugin will gather nodes) - When Travel Form is set, KoM will force it to be cast whenever HB tries to move while being mounted on another mount - Foxflowers spawning from Frenzied Fox will be gathered - HBRelog profile can be started when HB stops due to profile having no more tasks to perform - Unstuck routine is triggered when char is caught in prevent stuck loop - Char will exit vehicles on BotStart to prevent unforseen behaviour - Added some more conditions to detect mesh issues - Toon had trouble casting Travel Form while swimming ꙰ Setting added - Use Artifact Power Items - Protect Artifact Relics - Stop At "Nothing more to do" ꙰ Minor change - Low level quests will only get abandonned when quest log is almost full - Improved performance for checking for spawn npc - Detailed rank info printed to log - Speeded up preventing disabling addons on BotStart As I am working on implementing all herbalism and mining specific ranks, I will provide this chart indicating current rank coverage: MINING ꙰ Leystone # 1: ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ # 2: ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ # 3: ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ꙰ Felslate # 1: ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ # 2: ⚫ ⚫ ⚪ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ # 3: ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ꙰ Infernal Brimstone # 1: ⚫ # 2: ⚪ # 3: ⚫ ⚪ ⚫ ⚪ HERBALISM ꙰ Aethril # 1: ⚫ ⚫ # 2: ⚫ ⚫ # 3: ⚫ ꙰ Dreamleaf # 1: ⚫ ⚫ # 2: ⚫ ⚫ # 3: ⚫ ⚪ ꙰ Foxflower # 1: ⚫ # 2: ⚫ ⚫ # 3: ⚫ ꙰ Fjarnskaggl # 1: ⚫ # 2: ⚫ ⚫ # 3: ⚫ ⚪ ꙰ Starlight Rose # 1: ⚫ ⚫ # 2: ⚫ ⚫ # 3: ⚫ ⚪ ꙰ Felwort # 1: ⚫ # 2: ⚪ # 3: ⚪ Not yet implemented ⚪ Implemented ⚫ Successfully tested ⚫
For the stormheim quest http://www.wowhead.com/quest=40078/a-heavy-burden you get this aura http://www.wowhead.com/spell=193563/heavy-fish For highmountain quest http://www.wowhead.com/quest=39440/you-lift-brul you get this aura http://www.wowhead.com/search?q=weights#spells , but i'm not sure which one exactly of three is the right one. Thanks for your update, gonna try it out when new HB comes.
new problem with the last update of KoM version 3.1.88 the problem is mount / dismount . the thing is being repeated mount / dismount all the time.
i turned it off , and now it's not getting dismount , thank you. but what about the thing that we discussed about? because on version 3.1.53 you wrote this on ( Minor change ) - > > > Increased values for evaluating safe nodes so char won't die due to too many mobs around < < < you said that you will add new setting to not avoid nodes due too many mobs aroud the node , depending on my item lvl.
There are so many other tasks left for my to-do list; this change I made for .53 is actually minor and if you are using GB2 and let bot base mine nodes as well, this shouldn't be of any relevance
if i use Questing bot base , and i changed handle nodes to > " Both " , it will not avoid nodes ? or it's only working with Gatherbuddy2 bot base?
Change those lines: PHP: if (_mobsNearNode.Count() > 3 && !_canSafelyGather) PHP: if (_mobsNearNodeClosest.Count() > 2 && !_canSafelyGather) to those lines PHP: if (_mobsNearNode.Count() > 5 && !_canSafelyGather) PHP: if (_mobsNearNodeClosest.Count() > 3 && !_canSafelyGather) These were the conditions I once used