I have tried a fresh honorbuddy install and ensured I'm using latest version 887 also checked my wow folder deleted the 64 bit so it can load from 32 bit, checked my options to ensure its on DirectX9 yet I still get this error "we couldn't find a free WoW process to attach." My character is standing in game and is in windowed mode. I have no idea what else to try or if there is something else that I'm missing. Any help would be much appreciated.
Are you trying to log in to a private server perhaps? If not and this is happening on a live server then make sure your WoW client is up to date. Also, upload your log file ( HB installation folder / Logs )
If you are running the correct HB version sounds like you need to upgrade WoW To build 24461 through the battle.net application.
@eagles2010 @ZoneHunter Thanks very much for your help with this issue. Both of you were correct. With Wow working just fine I never thought to check for an update, once Wow was updated HB worked.