Since there are a lot of posts about this and peeps cant seem to find this profile, here is the "Combat Bot.xml" profile. With this profile you do the movement and selecting targets and the bot handles the rotations. Have fun!
If You have a svn create a post. Also the old grinding profiles you have contain zones that are highly watched...
Anyone else have the problem where the bot stops working after hitting the enemy once or twice? This has been happening since the last update to buddywing about a day or 2 ago.
I have not. I only have one character as a main and it's a Sith Marauder. Kinda glitchy. Are there any other profiles available for just combat?
I have the same problem with maurader, although I cannot even select a routine through the interface. (New to BW, HB veteran though.)
Spell.Cast("Dual Saber Throw", ret => !Me.HasBuff("Ferocity")), I do not see Dual Saber Throw ever being executed, did something change for Carnage?