Hello, i try to play whit hunter survival and one of the main dps is - Explosive Trap.. and well... hes just dont trap Hes try, and try, and try (i see because animation skill) and never use! I try to make a simple log to be realy easy to see! Use combat bot singular Class: Hunter Survival Level 110 I hope this work in some time, this will improve a lot dps! Sry Bad English! Thanks
This has already been fixed for the next Honorbuddy update. Here's a zip with the current Hunter fixes+additions. Just extract this directly into your Honorbuddy\Routines folder and allow it to replace the existing files. (download removed, use download below)
I messed up the directories when creating the zip, just delete your Singular folder entirely and use this version. (download removed, use download below)
Sorry, I forgot I was uploading a dev copy - the errors are due to testing branches that I didn't remove. Here's the proper one which should work 100%.