You guys said that we were good to go, the fact we've been unable to bot without being detected the entire time and have lost accounts because of this kind of warrants it. It's still not even close to the amount of cash lost from losing accounts. If I pulled this shit in my store, I'd have the Trading Department on my doorstep the next day.
So last night I think "I am going to give Bossland one more try" and bought another legion account, activated it and ran HB until the tripwire event occured. Now, I learned that this account is compromised and will be banned as well, so I just turned off tripwire on my account and said f**k it. . By the way, please close my honorbuddy account and issue me a refund.
Highly doubtful any refund is warranted in your situation nonetheless in order to request any refund you will need to contact
Whats the point to have this spammed in at least 5-6 forum threads I have visited in the last 10min? Any reason?
cant you guys just stop cheating if its so bad for you to pay the price! as in a ban. you will ALLWAYS get banned using a third party program there is NO way around it! its only a matter of time. if you enjoy cheating in wow,do it! but you have to keep in mind that your playing with cheats on borrowed time! if they are good to go as for today dosent meen that blizzard wont update their warden tomorrow and you get banned! cheating in wow is like myrphy's law. anything that can go wrong will go wrong sooner or later! ive been cheating in wow since vanilla (mmoglider) days, and lost more accounts then i can remember, but i know the risk i just finds it fun so its worth it. i dont like playing by hands. I like to organize and manage bots, and from time to time see insane big numbers in mythic + with a fire mage or something like that using a cr. i dont cry over lost accounts or blame HB or any other tool makers for my mistake of using a bot in the first place xD its not legal! not fun to lose the account ofc, but im never surprised when i wake up to see that email from blizzard
keys bought within the last 7 days are eligible for a refund so if you meet the requirements,you can request it via email forums cant help you on this closed