Here is a version of trinity which has been lightly modified (this is not my personal version) from the latest Demonbuddy Beta Build. If you are having issues please try this out. I highly recommend backing up all of your Trinity and settings files before using this. I am currently doing GR 105s with it and Condemn Sader. FOR THIS TO WORK: Enable TPS in Trinity->Advanced->Enable Tps Edit: I think I have figured out the lag issue plaguing Trinity. I will be sending my findings over to the buddy team for review. Edit #2: If it is lagging more for you with my latest version, drop the ticks per second lower. Mine is currently at 5 tps and is working very well. If you have the fucking god machine, please feel free to test your max and let me know. Edit #3: Up to 30+ FPS from 8. Download the latest again. Edit #4: Fixed a Targeting issue where the toon could be looking for a non existent target. If you found this helpful, feel free to give me a like or you can toss a few shekels at my beer fund.
Hey Phelon, Trying this out now. Appreciate you putting forth the effort to fix some of this. My sader is running an 89 as we speak and wrecking the mobs. I'll post an update after more runs.
Funny thing if I disable TPS feature completly my TPS is at 30++, if I enable it and make it mostly open end(300) my TPS goes down to 3-7
Fresh install DB and got nothing but errors when plugging in this trinity. ah well, I think I'm calling it quits with this one. Absolutely nothing works properly. Thx for the effort Phelon
This solved almost all problems I was encountering, Phelon you are a god send, but I must say, it's pretty disappointing that a non-paid community member had to fix their bot... shows the level of support we will be getting in the future. Despite you fixing the problems in trinity I still think I will not be continuing my purchase of this bot due to sub-par actual releases (not even beta), and sub-par support on known issues. The team was 100% okay with the terrible state of their bot and has announced no plans on extending keys for the plethora of people that were complaining about the release almost nonstop since it was available. (also if you say they weren't okay with the state of the bot, I would assume a "TEAM" of people would be able to fix this faster than an individual community member in my opinion.)
Can you post where and what you changed? In PM you said in actorcache.cs and in weighting, but what in weighting?