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  • Lifetime Key expiring

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by luciferious, Aug 30, 2018.

    1. Spaz

      Spaz New Member

      Jun 30, 2016
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      Do we know if Lisbeth is getting a stand alone, had a new key for that very recently for a few months but feels wasted now.
    2. zapco7500

      zapco7500 New Member

      Mar 9, 2016
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      the main problem now, is that prices are too high, the price is equal to the cost of the game sub!
      what makes me think is that they want to monetize as fast as possible and close everything!
      I have the feeling that you are not talking about long-term support!
      square enix sells you a sub but gives you content, they instead ask you the same money for a bot?
      I lost my key after just 2 years, while there are users who have benefited for many more years of me, among other things I bought many plugins and recommended this bot to many friends, so I had a key to life I contributed a lot, but despite everything they left me without a key!
      unacceptable behavior!
      among other things, the bot without a plugin is useless!
      if we do not solve the thing in an acceptable way I will not be your user anymore, and to my friends to whom I have taken subscriptions, I will not convince them to renew them!
    3. Saazbi

      Saazbi New Member

      Jul 2, 2014
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      No idea, Saga is waiting to see how this turns out, he lost his lifetime key as well. I would suggest that you go into his discord, not hard to find just go to the Reborn one (can be found on this forum) and ask

      There are lots of plugins and addons for Reborn, just at the moment, only a couple of addons stands out and is better than Reborn's competitor, the crafting and deep dungeon, without those two, sad as it is, Reborn doesnt have much to offer in "what does Reborn have over it's competitor"

      Personally I would like to support Mastagh, Reborn has come a long way since I started in 2014 and it isnt easy being the only dev compared with the other bot with more than one dev, but no, I wouldnt support Bossland
    4. gb007

      gb007 New Member

      Jul 24, 2016
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      i'm evaluating other bots since yesterday
      i will take a decision tomorrow
      all i can say is that combat/fate/gathering/craft/gold saucer are working
      as writing this, i just convert sahagin beast tribes highest quests since quests/items... IDs are the same and it's really working easy
      since trust is broken, if rebornbuddy wants my money, they really have to propose me an alternative to my lifetime licence at a really cheap price
    5. Eliitti

      Eliitti Member

      Sep 10, 2013
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      This makes sense from a business perspective and I can totally respect the decision I got my moneys worth from my lifetime key. Though a heads up would have been nice so we could have known ahead of time that our lifetime keys we're going to expire.
    6. DontBeAfraid

      DontBeAfraid Active Member

      Oct 2, 2015
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      happened to honorbuddy, happened to exilebuddy, happend to xxbuddy... how can you still be surprised? @everyone..
      watch bossland's history. the next step is to close rebornbuddy as well. give or take a 2-3 months.
      history repeats.
      eoin likes this.
    7. eoin

      eoin New Member

      Aug 15, 2016
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      Yep. Only thing is I think it will be a bit longer than 2-3 months, probably closer to 4 or 5.

      Buying the 6 month plan or longer is just asking to be scammed at this stage.
      schopenhauer likes this.
    8. DavidKim

      DavidKim Member

      Sep 7, 2015
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      WTF!!!!Huge loss, who pays the bill.

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    9. Yambo99

      Yambo99 Member

      May 5, 2011
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      So whats going to happen, is that it? Final? no other words from the developers or will we find out on monday when back in the office?...
      Last edited: Sep 2, 2018
    10. Nikubun

      Nikubun New Member

      Aug 30, 2018
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      What's likely going to happen is third-party devs will switch to a more affordable and better maintained botting platform, and Rebornbuddy will be dead within the year easy.
      anonless likes this.
    11. zapco7500

      zapco7500 New Member

      Mar 9, 2016
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      The smartest thing to the developers, is to offer a special price to those who first gave confidence to this bot buying a lifetime keys.

      example 25 euros for a year.

      At that point I would have tried to understand better the situation and put myself in their situation and I would want to support them first!
      But not with this way of doing, otherwise we would be treated worse than the last arrived!
      If you really want to find a meeting point it would be really easy to do it
    12. Parappa

      Parappa New Member

      Jun 5, 2016
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      Monthly cost is too much.
      schopenhauer likes this.
    13. Mavrik

      Mavrik New Member

      Apr 20, 2015
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      Just tried to use my key, it was working just fine a week and a half ago and here I thought maybe it was a bug or something. Instead I get to come to the forums and find out that they canceled all our lifetime keys without (much of) a warning.

      Sorry, but that's the end of the line for me.
      What SHOULD have happened was to open some kind of a store for additional features and addons. I would have gladly paid additional fees for more than just this barebones structure that required the community to upkeep to be in any way useful. In reality, I was probably just looking for an excuse to move to another bot. If it hadn't been for a few community members and their hard work in making this bot what it was, then I'd have jumped long ago, even with the price being 'free'.

      y2k, you've been great and I hope to see you around on other projects.
      I hope Lisbeth goes to a bot that has a brighter future, too. Your stuff is gold and is the only reason this transition is painful.
      Same with deep dive and a handful of other projects that were maintained.

      But this bot is on its way out and so am I. See you around.
      schopenhauer likes this.
    14. Eanul

      Eanul New Member

      Sep 7, 2014
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      Hey mastahg,
      hey strongest moral supporter Mystic :p

      ive been reading the whole thread now, and i came to the conclusion that some ppl really should back off. yes sure we bought a lifetime key, but we all got way more out of it then any other bot would have ever given us.
      so i personally understand that the devs who make a living out of this somehow need to earn money... "earn" is quite the word which i wanna point out here, i do understand that life wasnt easy on mastahg as of late.

      basically i will stick with RB to at least give bossland the chance to prove themselves...adjusting the price would be very important, but also i would like to see a wider spectrum of what the actual bot has to offer. basically the bot itself has been dead for (version updates excluded, ure really fast here!) ... a long time. but again, i will buy, wait and see what happens

      we should at least give RB, mastahg and all the supporters a chance
    15. RockingRuby

      RockingRuby New Member

      Sep 24, 2018
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      Yup mine was cancelled also. Pretty angry about it actually considering I paid for a lifetime pass.
      I won't be renewing, I'll be using Miqobott instead

      is $10 a month, and the scripts are 100 times better.

      Bad customer service Bott team
    16. tichy

      tichy Member

      Jun 6, 2015
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      Gosh this is a hell of an emotional thread!

      I think we can all agree that this probably does make "business sense" from Bossland's perspective. The lifetime keys from their perspective were "zero marginal revenue". They really only had two options if they were in financial strain:
      - Shrink to Grow: Cancel the keys and accept whatever upside they get from resubscribing life-time key users (which obviously myself and many other people will not be re-subscribing). Thisis obviously a "dick move" given that people did not get what they paid for and will leave a bad taste in many people's mouths who will not come back - but it at least guarantees SOME revenue upside.
      - Drive Growth through Upsell of what would have been sticky lifetime key customers to generate additional revenue through other add-ons. I am guessing this was not an option because all third party developers operate on their own websites (siune, protosynth etc.) because Bossland "missed the party" when they decided not to give third party developers another option through a rebornbuddy store.

      Given that they chose option 1 it may be as others have suggested above that this is a company on the brink of destruction just trying to nab whatever revenue it can before the ship sinks - since Option 2 is probably what a company that seriously thought it had growth prospects would be pushing for, particularly if as I suspect, lifetime key users are low to zero marginal cost to serve. Interesting to see how it all pans out!
      Last edited: Sep 26, 2018
      schopenhauer likes this.
    17. schopenhauer

      schopenhauer Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      Huge issue with the bot itself and the pricing is that in order to get any kind of real use out of the bot, you have to basically subscribe to 3/4 other addons. Mew being the only one that isn't a monthly sub as well.

      I can't tell if we just have some rich kids spending their parents cash or what, but when I see people making these, 'oh well give them a break guys, this bot is so good' I can't tell if it's the actual bossland people under aliases trying to calm everyone down, or just people spending their parents money that don't want to rock the boat.

      If you really want to get the most out of the bot, and aren't capable of writing your own xmls for every task, you're basically having to pay for a CR monthly, a crafting bot monthly, a one time fee gathering bot that might go monthly. This leaves out the other side niche options like Eureka, Dungeon Master, MGP farming, etc.

      I mean you have to pay fucking upwards of 50-70 dollars a month for the bot, it makes no fucking sense. If the price of the monthly base bot wasn't so high, whatever, but the fact it's fucking 15 itself. Shows they're really out of touch with what the bot does, or how the users are using the bot. The lifetime key removal took their only good free CR and ended it, and the people that typically make orderbot profiles have their own pay options. This also isn't mentioning compared to the other bots it takes forever to get working after the patches for the most part, the loss of gil alone due to the downtime is staggering.

      Not a great situation, and due to the whole killing of lifetime fees, on top of how it was done leads me to have the same worries as you tichy. The fact they didn't have enough revenue suggests most of the users were from when lifetime was a thing, or they're just really fucking desperate for money. I'd be curious to see the numbers as to how many were grandfathered in lifetimers vs post lt monthly users.
      Last edited: Sep 26, 2018
    18. tichy

      tichy Member

      Jun 6, 2015
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      Agreed - particularly when you can probably buy close to 50m gil every month for that much :D
      schopenhauer likes this.
    19. titolito

      titolito New Member

      Jan 17, 2016
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      Did you know (developper) that if some of us make a claim to paypal, they gonna limited all your accounts ? No money for 180days... And more, that is a complet scam, that could be ok if we have a annoucment but not even one mail. I don't care about appologies, i can uderstand all but you've act like a scammer... For me, claim opened.

      All scammed user, do the same thing :)
      Last edited: Oct 19, 2018
    20. Muiramas

      Muiramas Member

      Apr 7, 2015
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      They don't offer Paypal as an option anymore.

      Paypal doesn't offer coverage if you've purchased it more then 90 days ago.

      Bossland doesn't lose anything from taking away our lifetime keys, when clearly you are all still here complaining about it.

      They make money because they know you're going to spend your money on the bot even though you claim to hate it.

      But cry more, Haven't seen anyone from Bossland give a fuck about this thread. lol
      Last edited: Oct 19, 2018
      grimmax likes this.

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