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  • Paladin PvP Botting... Help?

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by Algamish, Mar 13, 2011.

    1. Algamish

      Algamish New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      If anyone can please help me it would be really appreciated...

      I've been trying to bot my paladin in pvp this weekend since he hit 85 on friday.

      My first problem is that I have tried just about every custom class for retribution and every cc for holy spec. Neither work out too well... What CC do you guys use for PvP?? I would really like for him to heal but none of the cc's really seem to support pvp healing at all. So I have been using Simple PvP ret cc, which also does not work too well . . . . what do you all use?

      second problem... in AV, i am alliance and he runs down the left side of the map where all the horde are coming up, then he turns around and goes back up to the bunker north of belinda .. then turns around again pretty much waiting for the horde to charge in and destroy him. Sometimes he goes to the galv area but that's super rare.. is there any way for it to run a better path in AV?

      thanks in advance
    2. imrtlsk8er

      imrtlsk8er New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      What I do!

      Personally I use Ensembles all in one class CC for Holy spec PVP healing.

      What I do is run it in mixed Mode (Combat/Healbot 1.0) and ethier PVP or BGBot (Beta) sometimes one works better than the other. It depends on which BG's you plan on doing.

      IMO I dont like doing "Random Battlegrounds"; just because you get into more games doesnt always = more honor. The faster and more wins you get = more honor. So I tend to stick to AB + w/e the weekend is, and if there isnt a weekend its AB/EOTS.

      As a healer those two BG's allow me to not really be noticed with Squire on; Currently Squire causes some problems because it wont put you into combat directly. So you stand around every so often till your CC kicks in and you heal like crazy.

      I have even been praised for healing so well with the bot playing.

      You kinda need to fiddle with it to get a style that works for you. But as a break down list this is what I use.

      - Mixed Mode (Combat/Healbot 1.0) + PVP or BGBot
      -- Bot Settings - AB + Weekend BG or EOTS
      -- No Profile (Don't use one)

      - General Settings
      -- Kill Between Hotspots seems to help sometimes if I turn off squire. But it kinda looks weird when I run into 4+ alli alone and just spam heals.
      -- CC Configuration (Ensembles - Left it all @ Default ATM)

      - Plugins
      -- Auto precision ( Haven't really tried w/o it and watched. But It does smoothen out alot of movement.
      -- BGRequeue 2.0 (Works, but doesnt really help my Q's per hour much)
      -- Squire (IMO the bread and butter for an Hpally.. Follows the biggest group of alli or horde )

      Your second problem could be fixed by using the BGBot (as it will go to hotspots) or loading the AV profile if all you do is AV. It should smoothen out your movements and make better ones based on the battlegrounds status.

      I might try the default CC in a BG and see how it does, I would like to find a CC that uses more CD's and possibly moves away from enemies if you get crowded, but that might asking for too much =P

      Regards --
    3. Algamish

      Algamish New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      Hey imrtlsk8er I really appreciate your good response. Thanks a lot.

      I have tried doing Squire+Ensemble but I had the same issue you mentioned where it just sits around waiting to get kicked into combat. I guess I will go try it again and fiddle with the settings some more.. Maybe I missed something before.

      Thank you again!

      If anyone else has further tips, I'd be more than glad to hear them...thanks
    4. imrtlsk8er

      imrtlsk8er New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I still have the combat problem; but thats minor honestly. It does quite well when it gets into combat.

      The author of Squire says hes going to try to put an update soon; so with that update it will mabye fix it? Only other thing I could say is try a different CC if it bothers ya that much. =P

      GL botting hope ya get tons of honor! -- I get ~ 2k every 4 hours.. Personally iunno if thats bad or good; but its fast enough for me ^^
    5. Algamish

      Algamish New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      Yeah hopefully he will update that ...

      2k honor/4hr sounds good to me.. I'll be sleeping so that's like 4k more than i would have had, haha.

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